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What are we learning this term?

What will we be learning in Autumn 1?


We are looking forward to working with you and your child over the next year. There is a difference in the pattern of the day from Reception to Year One learning, as we begin to follow the National Curriculum in all subject areas. Please be assured that every effort will be made to make the necessary changes as smooth and successful as possible. 


Topic Work

Our topic this half term is: ‘KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU’.

The areas of the curriculum are listed very simplistically below.


Science: Parts of the body, how it changes and the five senses.


Geography: Where have we been on holiday? –using maps, plans.


Computing: Purple Mash - computing in the wider world and online safety


RE / PSHE The Kingdom of God


P.E and Games

The children will have P.E. on Fridays and Games on Tuesdays. They will need to come dressed in P.E. kit on both of these days. No jewellery should be worn and long hair should be tied back.






When reading with your child, please take time to discuss the story, the characters and what happens, where and when. Ask what they have enjoyed or what they have not enjoyed but always ask them to explain why. Please send book bags into school only on your child’s changing day.



Again as in Reception, this work will support what we have been doing in class. We are now using 'MyMaths'. This is an online learning platform. A task will be set every Thursday and should be completed by the following Thursday. Letters have been sent home with logins. Please ensure that you log out after every activity.


Learning Logs

These are topic based and will be set once a term. We will send the first one out at half term, but you do not have to return it to school straight away, you have until Christmas and it is voluntary. Details of this will be sent out at half term.



To help us in History and Geography we may send a questionnaire in for Parents / Grandparents to fill in. The children will learn a lot from your stories from home!


Healthy Eating

Your child will need a named water bottle every day and a healthy snack if your child does not eat the school fruit. We still provide free fruit in school and would prefer your child to choose this if possible.


Thank you,

Mrs Buckingham, Miss Newton and Miss Allcock
