We would like to extend our thanks to past pupils and families who have contacted us with their memories. Below are their pictures and anecdotes which help us to paint a picture of Bowdon Church School before it 'moved down the hill' to Grange Road.
1937 map showing school buildings
'Every Thursday we had assembly in the church.'
'I remember when a pupil at Bowdon School a party of us being allowed just once as a treat go up to the top of the tower. It had spires on each corner then . It felt very high up and could see for mile and miles. I can remember coming back from holidays in Wales or Cornwall by car and seeing those Bowdon Church spires coming into view from the Chester Road and the comforting feeling of I'm home now.'
'We also used to go into the church at dinnertime and play around - remember a door that let you into a passage at rear of organ - also a large trunk full of old papers - including a letter with a penny black stamp on it'
Mrs Prince, Mr Thorley, Mrs Dutton, Mrs Garner, Miss Firth, Mr Jones, Miss Spence
Thank you to past pupil, Mr Caine for permission to share the photos below. He attended Bowdon C of E Primary School, spending 2 years at the Vale primary from age 4 3/4 in 1949, then joining the Richmond Rd school around 1952 - leaving in 1957 for Sale Grammar school. He runs the Facebook Bowdon Vale memories site where past pupils from this time, might be able to reconnect with their peers.
Bowdon Church School circa 1958
' I was at the school from 1958 when I went to the small school in Bowdon Vale until 1963 when I left the top school in Bowdon to go to the girls grammar school.
The infant school in the Vale was opposite the shops and had 2 classrooms and a hall with a cloakroom at the front door. I remember a large tree in the garden with a hole in the trunk where we used to play hide and seek at playtime.
After 2 years we went to school in Bowdon near the Church. I was only there 3 years though, instead of four, as I was moved up a year when I was 9, due to a change in the law, I think. As my birthday was in August and you had to be 5 on 1 August to start school in September I was late starting school, but the date was changed to 1 September, so I did 6 months in one class and then 6 months in the next. The other children had taken the 9 plus when I moved up and I had to take it on my own in the headmaster's study. I remember teachers walking past looking in through a window every now and then. I remember taking the 11 plus in our classroom in the morning and the cook made fish and chips for our class for lunch.
I remember that a lot of us passed the 11+ and some even went to Manchester Grammar and William Hulme. Mr Beswick was the Headmaster. Canon Ridgeway was our vicar, and he started a vacation club, so his children would meet the local children when they were on holiday from boarding school. I was in the chorus for the productions of HMS Pinafore and Ruddigore and sang in the school choir. I loved getting dressed up, and we all got a present at the last performance, although we didn't realise until years later the gifts were bought by our parents. I still have the bible I was given when I left school. I remember my time at the school with great affection and now appreciate what a fantastic education I had.'
Class 6 in 1966
Bowdon Vale Infant School Dec 1966
(Mrs Evans back left, Mrs Beddows back right)