'I have come that they might have life and have it in abundance'
John 10:10
Explore our recommended links below for additional information
We are delighted to announce that we are on the journey to become a UNICEF-accredited Rights Respecting School!
On Tuesday it was the last Hockey League tournament of the season; the BCS team had 3 matches left to play.
This week, Year 6 took an enthusiastic step into the past!
4T children have been taking on Mr Tarry’s challenge of earning a Blue Peter badge for their hard work outside the classroom.
Last half-term our Year 6 pupils were busily completing their history projects, all about WW2. These fantastic pieces of work covered so many aspects of the war, from rationing to fashion to inventions, and even the Holocaust. There are so many impressive pieces and one has even been recognised more widely. Charlotte re-created the bookcase behind which Anne Frank and her family hid and filled it...
This week we have received two heart-warming letters of thanks from our Ugandaid Students Syndrella and Difasi. They are both studying hard to be able to gain qualifications that will enable them to support their families in the future. Money that we raise makes a big difference to students like Syndrella and Difasi and to those that they support. Thank you
A huge thank you to everyone who kindly donated for our Christmas Jumper day yesterday. Together we raised £622! For more information about Save the Children, follow this link https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/misc/welcome-to-save-the-children
A huge thank you and well done to the PTA team who worked so hard to create the Christmas Fair on Saturday 14th December. The PTA were delighted to meet so many of our newest parents at the Reception & Y1 nativities last week, and to serve some welcome hot drinks and mince pies to those queuing in the cold. We raised £420.96 throughout the week. Thank you for your support! Wh...