'I have come that they might have life and have it in abundance'
John 10:10
'Loving, learning and growing together'
Bowdon Church School aims to provide a nurturing community and rich curriculum to guide children on life's journey: fostering a love of learning, cultivating spiritual, social, moral and cultural wellbeing, and strengthening them with a growing trust and knowledge of God.
We live our vision through:
Sam Halliwell
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At BCS, we develop our value of love through our worship times together; sharing stories of how God and Jesus show love to us; modelling positive interactions and encouragement; supporting those in need, both at school, in our community and in our world; and many other valuable ways.
We develop our value of respect through sharing stories of how Jesus demonstrated respect; modelling thoughtfulness and courtesy in our interactions with others; showing empathy to our peers and community; and showing integrity in all that we do.
We develop our value of hope by never giving up on our children; wanting the best for them and having high expectations of what they can achieve; striving for them to reach their full potential in all areas of life; helping them see light despite the darkness; investing in our pastoral team and learning about prayer.
We develop our value of forgiveness through modelling it to one another through restorative practice; sharing Christian stories in our worship; discussing how we
can forgive when things go wrong; teaching what sincere apologies mean; learning that every day is a new day; and celebrating when a child
shows forgiveness and shows empathy to another.
We teach our children that wisdom can take many forms and can belong to people of all ages and all walks of life. We expect children to hear and value different sources of wisdom in our school community and teach children to grow their understanding of themselves. We seek to inspire children with the stories from the Bible, of wise leaders and inspirational figures. Through worship and the curriculum, we encourage children to understand what it means to say that God is the source of all true wisdom.
We provide opportunities for children to worship, experience personal encounters with Jesus and to develop a closer relationship with God. We encourage a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty, power and mystery of the world. Community is
extremely important to us and we foster a sense of fellowship by bringing together pupils and staff to celebrate shared values in the school and wider community. At the centre of our school community is positive teaching and developing an understanding of the Christian Faith and the teaching of the church, which we explore in our worship and RE lessons. This also encourages the development of a sense of spirituality and of community within and beyond school. We collectively experience special events and occasions. We understand and respect difference and diversity, recognising that we are all unique and loved by God.