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Church School

  • Data Protection

    Data Protection Regulation

    At Bowdon C of E Primary School, we take Data Protection very seriously.  We constantly work to ensure compliance and to protect privacy.  We have appointed Global Policing to act on behalf of the school as data protection officer.  Current Data Protection Regulations enable Parents, Children, Employees and anyone we hold data for, the option to;

    View data held
    Request information to be updated/changed
    Request information to be deleted

    To request any of the above services or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Global Policing directly either by e-mail or telephone. (Details below)

    Data Protection Officer: Shane Williams



    Telephone: 0161 510 2999 (Option 2)

    The requirements of data protection will be met by this school as the basis for collecting, storing, accessing, sharing and deleting personal data. Data will be processed fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner. It will be used for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited. It will be accurate and kept up to date and kept no longer than is necessary.  Data will be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the data.