Strong relationships and close communication channels between home and school are essential for our children to flourish and reach their potentials.
In September, we host 'Meet the Teacher' events, where members of the school leadership team talk to parents about routines, expectations and the structures we have in place to support our children. Parents can then visit their child's classroom and meet the teachers.
Our first Parent Meetings of the year are in October, and in these meetings we discuss how the children have settled into the new school year and how they progessing within the curricula.
In March of the following year, we hold our second Parent Meetings. Prior to these, we send home Interim Academic Reports, which give a summary of the children's attainment in the core subjects of English and Maths, and compare it to the previous summer (if applicable). We also share the children's work at this point, either by sending books home for those families who have opted for an online meeting, or in school for in-person meetings.
In July, we send our Annual Reports. These indicate the children's performances across our broad and balanced curriculum, with a personal comment from their teacher regarding their progress over the year, and particular strengths and areas for development. If, on receiving your child's annual report, you would like to meet with their teacher to discuss it, then this will be arranged.
Ensuring that our children are happy and making progress in school is our core purpose. We encourage parents to contact their class teacher via the year group email addresses at any point during the year if they have concerns, and our two Assistant Headteachers are also more than happy to offer support:
KS1: Helen Norbury
KS2 : Sam Thompson