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Church School

  • Uniform

    School Uniform Policy

    At Bowdon Church School we value the role of school uniform in fostering a sense of equality and community among our students. Our uniform policy is designed to remove peer pressure related to clothing choices and to instil pride in our school environment.


    Our Commitment

    In accordance with the Department for Education's statutory guidance on the cost of school uniforms, we are committed to making our school uniform affordable and accessible to all families. We strive to:

    • Minimise the number of branded items required.
    • Offer second-hand uniform options to help reduce costs.
    • Ensure that our policy is inclusive and respectful of all students' needs.


    Parental Support

    We kindly ask for your support in maintaining high standards by ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform consistently. This collective effort helps us create a respectful and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and equal.

    Further Information

    For detailed information about our uniform policy, including purchasing options and second-hand availability, please contact the school office.

    School Uniform details

    All items should be clearly named

    Standard Uniform

    • BCS school jumper or cardigan
    • White polo shirt (plain white or with school logo – either embroidered at source or iron on)

    Infants (Reception, Y1 and Y2 only)

    • Navy school tunic with navy socks or tights, or tailored grey school trousers/shorts with grey socks
    • Dark blue/black shoes or plain navy/black trainers (no logo)

    Juniors (Year 3 to Year 6)

    • Navy school tunic or skirt (around knee level) with navy socks / tights, or tailored grey school trousers/shorts with grey socks
    • Dark blue/black shoes or plain navy/black trainers (no logo)

    A white vest or similar may be worn under clothing during cold weather but should not be visible. Parents should be aware, it is usually warm in classrooms and additional outer layers may be more suitable.

    Summer Uniform (optional)

    Standard uniform is likely to be appropriate from October 1st up to the Easter holiday.

    Summer uniform is optional and likely to be appropriate after the Easter holidays and up to October 1st in the Autumn term, depending upon the weather and pupil preference.

    • BCS school jumper or cardigan
    • White polo shirt (plain white or with school logo – either embroidered at source or iron on) with tailored grey trousers/shorts & grey socks, or pale blue check summer dress with navy or white knee socks
    • Dark blue/black shoes or plain navy/black smart trainers (no logo)

    Sports kit

    PE kit consists of the following items:

    • BCS navy/red sports polo shirt (or plain navy polo top), 

    • BCS shorts or skorts (or plain navy shorts/skorts),

    • BCS sports navy/red zip top jumper (or plain navy sweatshirt without hood), 

    • Suitable sports trainers (plain black or navy).


    Recommended for cold or wet weather:   

    • Navy joggers or black/navy skins, 

    • Lightweight waterproof jacket,

    • Sports gloves (with grip).


    Coats, Shoes, Trainers and Bags

    • There is no requirement for a uniform coat, but children are expected to have a suitable, waterproof coat each day to allow for outside play in all weathers.

    • Shoes & trainers must be fastened with Velcro, a buckle or lace and should not be slipped on. They must be suitable for running in the playground. Plain navy or black smart trainers (no logo) are also allowed, instead of school shoes, but must be suitable for wet weather.

    • Open-toed sandals are a trip hazard; please consider their suitability for playground play before purchasing. They are not advised.

    • There are no branded bags required, but a small rucksack/ kitbag is recommended to carry items needed for the school day. 

    Hair and Jewellery

    At Bowdon Church School, we prioritise the health and safety of our students while respecting their individual needs and beliefs.

    • Long Hair: Hair longer than shoulder-length is recommended to be tied back at all times and must be during particular activities e.g. sports, cooking etc. for health and safety reasons.

    • Hair Accessories: Accessories should be used to keep hair under control and not for decoration. Small, plain hair bobbles and unobtrusive ribbons or hairbands are permitted.

    • Earrings: A single pierced earring in each ear is permitted. Styles are limited to plain studs for health & safety reasons. Earrings should be removed or taped over at home before travelling to school on days when PE, sport, or science activities take place.

    • Other Jewellery: No other jewellery, except a well-fitting watch (excluding Smartwatches), is permitted.

    • Religious or Medical Jewellery: Jewellery identifying allergies or worn for religious reasons must be approved by a senior leader. All such jewellery must be covered by a sports (sweat) band during PE and sports lessons or activities for safety reasons.

    Equality Considerations

    We are committed to ensuring our policies are inclusive and considerate of all students. If you feel that any aspect of this policy may not accommodate your child's needs due to a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010, please contact us to discuss reasonable adjustments.



    Where to purchase uniform & pre-loved uniform

    • BCS uniform items can be purchased online from Uniform4you  Please use the password GRANGE1

    • Sample items are available on request at the school office and during welcome events for Reception intake to assess sizing before ordering. 

    • Generic / non branded items can be brought from high-street retailers. All items except the jumper / cardigan can be generic items provided they follow the above specifications.


    Second hand uniform

    • We welcome pre-loved donations of uniform

    • Good quality unnamed & unclaimed lost property is also recycled as pre-loved uniform.

    • In dry weather, pre-loved uniform is made available during pick-up time at the end of the school day once a week in the playground. During wet weather, pre-loved uniform is available on request from the school office.

    • Families may give a small donation for pre-loved uniform, but this is optional.


    Other items

    Items Needed in School

    (All must be clearly named)

    Items Not Allowed In School

    Coat (all ages and even on fine days)

    A cap/hat for sunny weather

    A refillable water bottle (not glass)

    A book bag (Reception to Year 3)

    PE/Games Kit to be worn on set days (but may be required for additional after school clubs on certain days)


    Years 3 to 6

    Small pencil case and basic equipment   

    Cartridge pen (Year 5 & Year 6)



    Mobile phones

    Fitbits and similar

    Watches with other electrical functions

    Money (except for charity collections)

    Electrical games / toys

    Chewing gum

    Liquid paper

    Jewellery (except stud earrings)

    Calculators (they are provided by school)