School Logo

27/4/20 to 4/5/20

Friday 1st May!!!!


Lesson 1: English/Art


Year 6, we are going to do something fun today! 

You are combining two of Mrs Thompson’s favourite things - words and art. 


Read the document below and all will be revealed…...


Lesson 2: Maths


Please do a mental arithmetic test from your book.


Then complete the Arithmetic questions sheet below, on paper or in your Maths book. 

The answers are at the end so that you can self-mark. 





  Well done to those of you who have already been cooking - the pictures are making us very hungry!!


Food - Cook something and send us a picture! Make sure you check with a grown up first!


Construction - make a walking horse - see file underneath Wednesday's work for instructions; you could even decorate it! Send us a video!


Thursday 30.4.20


Lesson 1: RE


We are starting a new topic - Sikhism. 


Please watch this video:


Then read the attached sheet entitled Sikhism Lesson 1 and complete the VERY straightforward task! 


Lesson 2: Computing


You are going to be working in Purple Mash to create a series of quizzes.

Quiz 1 - create a picture quiz aimed at younger children. 


Go into Purple Mash in the ToDo area.



There are also a couple of quizzes - Quiz Show and Science Quiz Example - you NOT expected to know the answers but have a go through them to see the different styles of question,



When you are happy with that, open the 2Quiz link in ToDo and come up with a quiz of your own for the younger children. (Maximum 10 questions)


This is to be a picture quiz. Remember that, as your quiz will be aimed at 4-7year olds, it should  

• Have easy vocabulary 

• Have large buttons 

• Have recognisable pictures for that age group.


The topic of your quiz is up to you but some ideas are

  • Traditional tales - 3 Little Pigs, Cinderella etc

  • Sports

  • Foods


When you go into 2Quiz you will probably want to select the multiple image question style ( the one with 4 sheep)

Type your first question.

Click in the box with a green tick, click on the pencil to edit and select clipart pictures (button on the top row) and pick the picture showing correct answer.

Then repeat for the red cross box. 

To get more options for your answers, use the big blue + on the right hand side.


Have a go, it sounds more complicated than it really is - if you’re not sure what a button does, press it and see...what’s the worst that could happen?!.. but please message Mrs Storey if you’re stuck!


Once you have completed your quiz and are happy with it, save it, as ‘yournamequiz1’ in your class folder

Also, click on Share (the globe) and upload to ‘display board’ (Year 6 quizzes) so that everyone can have a go!





See Mrs Moss’s slides - you are making a rainbow! You need to watch the clips below in the order of the lesson to make sense.


Refraction of Light Experiment | Dispersion of Light through Prism | Science Experiments for kids

Refraction of Light through prism | Dispersion of Light explained | Science Experiments for kids Light Dispersion and refraction through prism.
Watch this first

The Science of Rainbows

Watch this next, then try to make your own rainbow!

Wednesday 29.4.20


First of all, can Mrs Storey and Mrs Thompson just say that your writing from yesterday was HILARIOUS and BRILLIANT! What very embarrassing parents you have, and what super strategies you have for managing them! 


Maths and geography answers are now below!


Lesson 1: Maths


Today is a challenge day! There are 4 maths problems attached below. Get your logical thinking caps on and have a go. Answers will be posted later on today!

(You might want to work with an adult on 'Initial Numbers')

If you have any spare time go on TT Rockstars!


Lesson 2: Reading

Please see the Trojan Horse text and questions below. Like the Pandora’s Box comprehension last week, this is a story from Greek mythology and there is a metaphorical aspect to it. We will think more about that next week! For today, please answer the questions in full sentences either on paper or on google docs (share with Mrs Thompson or Mrs Storey depending on your class) and we will check it for you.  







Please look through the powerpoint presentation and watch the clip on the slide entitled ‘Compass Reading’. Follow the instructions and have a go at drawing the map yourself. If you have time, there is a matching activity using map symbols.


Friday Afternoon (Sneak Preview just in case you want to do it early and have some free time!!)



Food - Cook something and send us a picture! Make sure you check with a grown up first!


Construction - make a walking horse - see file below for instructions; you could even decorate it! Send us a video!

Tuesday 28.4.20


Lesson 1: Writing

You are going to do one of my very favourite writing tasks this morning! 

This is: to write a guide for other children on How to Manage Embarrassing or Difficult Parents. 

At your age, your parents have started to become embarrassing (Mrs Thompson and Mrs Storey are VERY embarrassing to their children). Think about how parents can be embarrassing or difficult and what advice you can give others for dealing with the embarrassment. 


This is an information text and needs to be structured correctly - subheaders, perhaps even pictures with captions? It is informal however, so contractions and more colloquial language is fine. It should be humorous. 

You could have sections on:

  • The Mum Who Will Not Leave The House Without Make-up On 

  • The Dad Who Thinks He Is A Professional Footballer

  • The Mum Who Gives Hugs In The Playground

  • The Dad Who Limits Screen Time


Here’s a bit of help to get you started:


You can either write this on paper or type it on google docs. 

Share your writing with Mrs Storey (6S) or Mrs Thompson (6T) and we will check it for you. 

On Friday you will come back to it, to edit and improve. 


Lesson 2: Maths

Watch my video (below) about Probability. 

Do the Probability task that has been set for you on My Maths. 

Then do the sheet below, in your book or on paper please. 

The answers are at the end. Please mark it and check any errors you make. 




You are going to do a LATIN lesson (don’t be scared - the teacher, Mr Furber, is BRILLIANT). 

Click on the link below and follow the instructions. You will need paper and a pen. Watch and listen to the video REALLY carefully!


Next week we return to our Ancient Greece topic, but it is really useful for you to have knowledge of different ancient and influential civilisations. We call this ‘building cultural capital’ - basically, general knowledge, which helps you to make links and think analytically. 

Mrs T - Probability

Monday 27.4.20


Lesson 1: SPaG

You all have tasks set on Purple Mash If you do not know your logon, please contact Mrs Thompson or Mrs Storey. 

There are 2 spelling tasks, one based on homophones and one on general vocabulary.

There are 4 grammar tasks:

  • Flora’s Trouble

  • Circus Tricks

  • Box the Verb

  • Football Time

All of this work should take about an hour. DO NOT RUSH!

We would rather you complete 4 tasks and do them well than 6 and do them badly. 


Lesson 2: Maths

We are now a week ahead of White Rose as our term started a week earlier than most other schools, so we are doing different Maths this week. 

You all have at least 2 tasks set on My Maths Please do these. 

If you complete those within an hour, then please do the Converting Time questions attached below. The answers are at the end so that you can mark them. If you can print it off, complete it on the sheet and put it in your folder. If you cannot, then write your answers on paper. 



Games - throwing and catching. Mrs Thompson wants to make a video of us all throwing and catching, so it looks like we are throwing and catching to each other. 

You need a ball, and you need someone to film you catching it and then throwing it (only once - your video should be no more than 10 seconds), and then send the video to Mrs Thompson I will post the completed video on Tuesday. 

For the rest of the time, do anything you choose to be active!

Drama - Mrs Sales’ next lesson is attached below. You can type your nanny advertisement and share it with your teacher, or hand-write it and file it for when we are back at school.