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Y3 Homework

Homework is set on a Tuesday and should be brought to school the following Monday. Each week there will be spellings, maths (usually a task set on Mymaths to consolidate learning in the classroom) and a written task to be completed in the homework book.

Spellings will be set each week on Spelling Shed, which is a valuable online tool for practising spellings and will adjust to the child’s confidence – the more you practice, the faster you will progress… Your child can log in to EdShed to find their spelling assignments. There will usually be a set of words following a spelling rule, along with extension words which come from the Y3/4 spelling list. As well as practising on Spelling Shed, we have compiled a Spelling Menu - a list of fun activities to help your child with spelling practice.

 Your child may need to work out the calculations for Mymaths - these are examples of the types of representations we use in Year 3 when calculating.

