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Book resources for adults

Books for adults


The Happiness Equation 

Bridget Grenville Cleave, Ilona Boniwell, Tina Tessina

An easy-read self help book about promoting happiness.


Counselling For Toads

Robert de Board

An imaginative attempt to explain the counselling process. Easy to engage with for both adults and children to explain the purpose and benefits of counselling.


Get Out Of My Life...But First Take Me And Alex Into Town

Tony Wolf and Suzanne Franks

A reassuring guide written by clinical psychologists for parents on the frontline of raising teens and nearly teens.


Overcoming Perfectionism

Roz Shafran, Sarah Egan and Tracey Wade

A self help guide based on CBT techniques that describes how clinical perfectionism manifests itself and how to break the cycle of "Never good enough".


The Young Mind

Royal College of Psychiatrists

A handbook that provides expert advice for parents and young adults on issues affecting children and young people's mental health.


Why Are They So Weird?

Barbara Strauch 

A book based on recent research evidence explaining what happens to children's brains when they reach adolescence.


Emotional Intelligence

Daniel Goleman

A well written and practical guide to the emotions.


CBT Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A Practical Guide

Elaine Iljon Foreman and Dr Clare Pollard

A practical guide giving straightforward, evidence based techniques.


The Little Book of Resilience

Matthew Johnstone

Describing how resilience plays a major part in wellbeing.


The Parent's Guide To Eating Disorders

Jane Smith

Straight-forward and reassuring advice for parents going through the frightening and bewildering experience of bringing up a child with an eating disorder.
