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Y6 Homework

Year 6 homework is mostly online and the details will be on Google Classroom so you know what you have to do.


Don't worry if you have forgotten your username/password or don't yet have logons for the platforms listed below - we will make sure you have everything you need before homework is set. 


Weekly homework will consist of the following, and will mostly be due on MONDAYS (if not, we will tell you):

- My Maths or


- Spellings (posted on Classroom)

- Reading pages from your Guided Reading book


You will also be set a history project during the autumn term and science homework in the spring term. 


Your homework should take you between 1.5 - 2 hours per week. Please don't leave it all until Sunday evening! Organising yourself and doing a little every night is good rehearsal for the independent study habits you will need in Year 7. 
