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  • Ugandaid update October 2020

    Tue 13 Oct 2020

    Covid 19 has hit the charity extremely hard - Nile Vocational Institute has been closed as there is no government financial support in place, which means that all the students and staff have been at home since March.  There are no immediate plans to reopen as all staff contracts had to be cancelled within 3 months of lockdown starting, and now it is unlikely to open up before 2021, as it relies on student fees to operate.  

    Ugandaid have honoured the payments for their 2020 students to keep the Institute solvent and have committed to supporting Ugandaid students returning next year, however it means the charity’s reserve funds will almost be completely wiped out as many of the students do not have a personal sponsor (who have agreed to extend payments for an extra year to cover the period lost due to Covid.)  

    Ugandaid are appealing for anyone who would be interested in personally sponsoring a student to get in touch, or for those that cannot afford to sponsor someone directly, there is a second appeal to contribute towards a fund for desperately needed repair work to the Domestic Technology Building at NVI - ‘Tender a Tenner’.  Please visit their website for more information on how to sponsor a student and donate towards the building project: UgandAid 

    This is an incredibly challenging time for all, but we are eager to see NVI up and running again, continuing their support for the vulnerable young people in Uganda.

  • Harvest Festival 2020

    Tue 13 Oct 2020

    A huge thank you to everyone for your generous harvest gifts. Huge boxes of rice, bags of pasta, jars of coffee, tubes of toothpaste and tins upon tins of meat, vegetables and fruit came through the doors this morning. Staff in school helped to sort the items and then transfer them to church in a fleet of cars. A big shout out to Mrs Prophet who came to help carry countless bags and Antony, who came to our rescue when we were flagging with heavy bags of pasta sauce, anti-bac sprays and washing powder!

    All the classes in school filmed a harvest contribution and these were compiled into two celebrations for KS1 and KS2, with many harvest songs, poems, prayers and even a Harvest samba!

  • Ready, Respectful, Kind and Safe

    Thu 08 Oct 2020

    Golden Values

    Some of you may have already seen these certificates this term. Teachers are awarding the above certificates in class to celebrate two children each week, who have followed one or all of our Golden Values in school. Well done to all those who have already received one, especially the ones with all our golden values!
