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There's always something happening at Bowdon Church School


    Tue 21 Nov 2023 SMoss

    We have been absolutely ‘blown away’ by the amazing response to our Children in Need appeal! Thank you to all the children for their enthusiasm and for completing all those laps of the school! Thank you to the staff for helping to coordinate the event and a HUGE thank you to all our family and friends who sponsored this event. We were truly fortunate with the weather and there were lots of smiling faces as the children ran around. One of the best moments of the day was Year 5 and 6 children running with and encouraging the Reception and Year 1 children around the course.


  • Children in Need - Individual Fundraising

    Fri 17 Nov 2023

    Obi decided to raise money for Children in Need this year by running a “name the bear” competition with a brand new Pudsey Bear he bought especially for the competition. With the help of his friends, family and classmates he has raised an amazing £279 for Children in Need - and lucky Emily was the winner! Well done Obi, that’s a fantastic fundraising effort, and thank you to everyone who donated. 


    Ex-pupil, Libby and Harvey received some lovely news just before the break re being short-listed for the Sir Terry Wogan YFOTY Award. Following some mini telephone interviews asking them about the yearly events they have organised and also reaching out to Mrs Horner/Mrs Pope we learned they had reached the final stage of the competition. Libby is keen to arrange a danceathon this year and Harvey is busy making a Pudsey comic book. They are both so very excited and have been invited to watch and participate in the live show on 17th Nov. 💛



  • Odd Socks day & Anti Bullying Week

    Mon 13 Nov 2023

    Assemblies and discussions in classes across the school this week have focused on how our words and actions can impact other people and how to make sure that we are the best versions of ourselves, all day every day.  
    Here are children from Year 5 celebrating being unique!

  • Poppy Appeal

    Mon 13 Nov 2023 SMoss

    Thank you to all those who supported our annual poppy appeal. Year 6 children visited the classes for the week leading up to the 11th November to sell poppies and the school office sold a selection of other poppy themed items. 

    Together we raised £577.18 !

    Assemblies were held during the week to raise the children's awareness of the charity and why we stop to remember those who have served our country. Our Year 2 children visited the memorial at St Mary's, Bowdon to lay their own poppies and Year 5 children created collages.
