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How will you know the French curriculum is having an impact? 

Teachers will be formatively assessing pupils during every lesson using a range of questioning techniques, assigning work and by making observations of their French interaction. Child assessments are to be tracked on a half-termly basis by all KS2 teachers and the subject coordinator will also rely on pupil and teacher feedback (through conversations  and questionnaires) to monitor impact. 


How will you assess how well the pupils are learning the content outlined in the curriculum?

The French coordinator will monitor assessment grids and trackers each half term, as well as undertake regular book and lesson scrutinies. 


How well does your subject prepare pupils for the next stage of their education?

French (and other languages) are taught from a basic level in secondary education, assuming little or no prior knowledge, therefore French lessons at BCS provide children with confidence and enthusiasm to start a step ahead of their peers at their new school.


What types of formative and summative assessment is used for your subject?  What impact do they have on the curriculum?  Do they dictate the curriculum?

French assessment is formative.  Teachers judge children largely based on observations and scrutiny of their work and interaction during lessons. Assessment informs teachers of children’s skills and therefore impacts on where lessons should be pitched, therefore dictatorial in a sense. However, the aim of primary language learning is to familiarise children with another language and ‘lay the foundations’ for KS3 language learning.
