Y3 Homework
Homework is set on a Monday on Google Classroom and should be completed in the homework book and brought to school the following Monday. As well as regular reading with an adult, each week there will be maths (usually a task set on Mymaths to consolidate learning in the classroom) and a written task to be completed in the homework book.
Children should use Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) to practise multiplication facts - regular short sessions will be most effective.
Spellings will be taught in school but we will upload each new set of spelling words as we teach them, in case you wish to practise them at home. To give you inspiration, we have compiled a Spelling Menu - a list of fun activities to help your child with spelling practice.
Your child may need to work out the calculations for Mymaths - these are examples of the types of representations we use in Year 3 when calculating.