Y2 Homework
Nearly all our communication & homework happens via the
Google Classroom.
Details on how to join your classroom for this year will be sent home soon. Please email your child's class teacher if those details don't make it home in the next few days.
We will continue to follow Read, Write Inc Phonics and Reading programme.
Books will come home on Thursdays to be returned on Tuesdays.
Our Spellings our taught through the Read Write Inc scheme for 15 minutes every day. We will post the spelling rules with a list of spellings on the google classroom each week. The list is for your information and you can use it at home to help support your child's learning in the classroom. We do not do spellings tests anymore.
It is expected that your child can spell all of the Y1 & Y2 Common Exception Words (see lists below).
Y1 Common Exception Words
Y2 Common Exception Words
We will set Maths homework via MyMaths each Tuesday.
Number Bonds
The children will be tested (weekly) on number bonds/ times tables. We will let you know the focus for the test via the google classroom on Tuesdays to be tested on Mondays. (TBC)
Please practise times tables regularly using T T Rock Stars