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Our School Day

The School Day 


Gates Open

Please do not arrive too early and queue up before 8:20am. The traffic wardens will move people on if there is stationary traffic on the road.  This also affects staff trying to get to school to look after the children.

8.25am to 8:40 am 

Children come straight into class upon arrival


8:35 Registration Y5 and Y6


8:40 Registration Y4, Y3, Y2, Y1 and Reception 


The car drop off gate will be locked at 8:40am and the pedestrian gates at 8:50 to allow parents to vacate the site from dropping off.


A combination of class led worship in class and a rota of Year group  or Key Stage worship in the hall

Morning Break

Y3/4     10.00am

Y1/2     10.20am

Y5/6     10:40am 

Lunch and playtime

Reception  11.20am - 12:20pm

Y3              11:45am - 12:45pm

Y4              11.40am - 12.40pm

Y1 & 2        12:00pm - 1:00pm

Y5               12:05pm - 1:05pm

Y6               12.10pm - 1.10pm

Afternoon Break

Y3        1:45pm

Y4        Mile Run

Y1        2:00pm

Y2        2:10pm

End of School

2:55pm Pedestrian gates open for parents and carers to walk onto site


3pm Reception children (to be collected on foot by an adult from the Reception internal gate)


3:05 to 3:10pm    Y5 and 6 

3:10 to 3:15pm    Y3 and 4 

3:15pm                 Y1 and 2


Please do not arrive too early by car and queue up before 2:50pm. The traffic wardens will move people on if there is stationary traffic on the road.  

Pedestrians will need to vacate the site by 3:25pm to allow staff to lock external gates and safeguard children on site for our after school clubs and activities.

Typical week32.5 hours