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13/4/20 to 17/4/20

Outdoor Learning Day -Friday 17th April 


12-1 virtual picnic - we will (hopefully) be having a picnic together at school - it’d be lovely if you could join us at home- send in your pictures to


Here are a selection of ideas which you could do at home - inside or in your own garden. You don’t have to do them all - just pick a few which are interesting to you, and that your grown-ups are happy with. There are lots of attachments which have information or instructions.



  • Twig Pictures

    • Can you make a picture from twigs, leaves, petals etc that you have found on the floor? (Don’t pick flowers to use - you could get into lots of trouble!) You don’t have to stick them down - you could just lay it out on the floor or table and take a photo of it!

  • Drawing / Painting

    • Draw what you can see from your window or go outside and draw a close-up picture of a plant.

  • Muddy Faces

    • Use fallen leaves and twigs to make a face - see the sheet attached!

  • Bark and Leaf Rubbing.

    • Find some fallen leaves, can you make a picture using your rubbings?-see the sheets attached!



  • Birdwatching - Over 30 minutes see how many birds you can spot.

    •  Sit at a window  and use the spotter sheets to help you identify them. If you think you can be super quiet you could sit in the garden! Keep a tally chart of how many of each type you see. You Could put some bird food out if you have any to help attract them!-see the sheet attached!

  • Planting 

    • If you have any seeds, ask if you can plant and grow something. You will need to remember to look after them by watering them and talking to them too! (Plants like that!) 



  • Cakes and Biscuits - a firm favourite of Mr Hamblett’s.

    • If you are allowed, bake some biscuits. Can you think of any interesting shapes to cut them into. You could make some fairy cakes or a big cake.You might even be allowed to decorate them.

    • If you can’t bake (I know there is an issue with flour) perhaps you could have a biscuit or piece of cake with your lunch or for snack!

  • Build a bird’s nest!

    • Follow the instructions on the sheet. If you haven’t got a branch which you can safely reach, just make it on the ground like swans and ducks do!

  • Make a minibeast home!

    • Find a quiet corner of the garden and make a safe place for minibeasts to live. Take care with sharp sticks - ask a grown-up if you need help! - see the sheet attached!



  • Scavenger hunt

    • If you’re going out with an adult for a walk you could do this, or maybe in your garden.- see the sheet attached!

The Spring Activity Booklet has lots of other activities

Week commencing Monday 13th April

Dear Y6, 

Welcome back!

We hope you had a relaxing break with your families. (How much chocolate have you managed to eat??)


Below is the timetable for the week. We will also be putting more information on here as necessary.


You should be doing at least 10 minutes on TT Rockstars and at least 10 minutes on Spelling Shed per day. 

You also have the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 statutory spellings for revision. Please look at some of these every day. 


We have also set you some tasks on My Maths and on Purple Mash. The Purple Mash tasks are P&G. If you don't have your logon, let us know. 


Remember, you can use Google Classroom to keep in touch with us, and you should be checking this page of the website every morning. 


Please don't panic if you can't do all the online things- you have your mental maths, science and English CGP books, some printed maths and reading papers and spellings. Just do what you can but try to keep your brains active!


Most importantly: stay healthy, take care of yourselves and your families, and we will see you soon!




Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4



Easter Monday - Don’t eat too much chocolate!! 



English - Writing - 

Finish off any Just So Stories.



Plagues through History - See attachment at the bottom.

Maths - White Rose See link below

Watch the videos and then do Summer Term Week 1, lessons 1 + 2. You don’t need to print out - just write the answers into your orange maths books. Mark when complete.

If you have any time left there is plenty of MyMaths set!


PE - Do Joe Wicks PE on YouTube or another activity!


There is a file below from Trafford with some PE suggestions and links with lots of ideas!


Maths - White Rose - continue as Tuesday with Summer Term Week 1, lessons 3 + 4 (Angles in a Triangle - special cases and missing angles). Please ask if you have any problems.

English comprehension : 

Reading skills - see PDF attachment at the bottom - you don’t have to print it out - you can just put your answers on paper. The answers are there. Please self-mark.



French - look at BBC Bitesize and watch some videos! 


You could even do 5 a Day in French.


Have a go at the French Delphine’s Easter quiz. 

Music - look at BBC Bitesize and watch some videos or look at the theatre website - there are lots of shows on music online now. 


Maths - Mental Arithmetic


Then My Maths tasks, TT Rockstars or the Level 6 SATs papers from your pack

RE:  write another diary entry, to follow on from your one before Easter (just add it underneath, with a new date). How have things changed since you last wrote? What are you missing? What are you enjoying? What do the rest of your family think? When do you think/hope this will end? You could split the page in two and write Good Things in one column and Bad Things in the other. 

Make sure this is shared with your teacher!

Science - continue with your science question books then...see resources and links below for ideas! 

Science - see resources and links below for ideas! 


Send us some pictures if you do any cool experiments!


Outdoor Day


More information to follow!



PE Links

9am PE with Joe


2) Link to imoves as it is now free for all  


3) Your School Games- Home learning- lots of activities to use  


4) Ways to keep moving by Greater Sport


5) Active Learning by the YST  


Music links


French links and read the information about Easter in France. Then click on ‘Delphine’s Easter Quiz’ at the bottom to see how much you have learnt! Bonne chance!



Arithmetic Practice


It is really important that we remain mathematically agile whilst we are off! 


Please click below for an online generator for SATs arithmetic questions, which will keep your fluency in tip top shape! If you can print the papers off, do so; otherwise just do them on paper from the screen. 


Please continue with your science question books, try to do one or two pages each day. The answers are in the middle, but try to answer the questions without looking first!

Our next topic in science was to be all about Light! 

If you didn't do this in the first week of shutdown then please watch the BBC Bitesize videos here: 

Then have a go at these simple activities below - all you need is a torch and some simple equipment

Water Refraction Experiment

A simple science experiment to learn about water refraction. Reverse the colored bars or reverse the arrows.

5-a-day Fitness: Disco en français
