Reading is still a fundamental part of a Y4 pupil's weekly homework. Ideally, they should be reading to an adult daily and in depth questions can be asked about the text to ensure the development of their comprehension. Learning new vocabulary is encouraged and asking them to predict what will happen next can be a good place to start a discussion. Your child must have their reading books in every day, even if it is not their day to have their books changed. We might ask to read with them to track their progress.
Maths homework is set on MyMaths weekly and it is based on the learning from the previous week. This is set on a Tuesday and we expect children to have completed it by the following Monday. One of the great things about MyMaths is that the children can attempt their homework multiple times; we encourage them to give things a go several times if they make several mistakes. Although many children may be able to independently complete their maths homework, we encourage parents to guide them through the tasks to ensure full understanding.
In addition to the MyMaths work that is set, a major part of Y4 homework is frequent use of TimesTables Rockstars. In June, children will sit a multiplication test (statutory) and TimesTables Rockstars is a fantastic way of practising for this. Soundcheck is the game that we would recommend as it gives 5 seconds per question- this is the time limit that they will have for their assessment in the summer. We will monitor children's progress and confidence with their times tables by giving random x tables tests on a weekly basis.
English homework
Spellings are handed out every Tuesday and we expect parents to help their child learn their spellings in time for the following Monday. We no longer ask pupils to write sentences with their spellings words. Instead, we hand out SPaG or comprehension tasks for your child to complete. Although you may choose to let them independently complete this, we do ask that parents check their child's work and sign and date it at the bottom to show that they have done this.
Additional information
Homework should be completed as neatly as possible in children's homework books which should be covered in sticky back plastic. We have high expectations in Y4 and expect work to be completed in their best handwriting!
If your child is unable to complete homework for whatever reason, we do ask that you email the class teacher to let them know. Otherwise, we may ask them to complete their homework in their own break time.
Homework Links