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Spring Term Blog

Spring 2021 hasn't started as we'd expected or hoped.crying

Home learning will be set via the Google Classroom until further notice.

Take a peak at what last we did in Year 2 last Spring....

We've found a really good way of understanding the properties of 3D shapes

British Science Week 6th-15th March


Thursday - Diverse taste buds- What kind of taster are you?

Please rest assured that this experiment was very controlled and there was no cross contamination.


Wednesday - Lava Lamps

Monday - Diverse People - Is everyone's body the same?

Friday 6th March - Starting British Science Week

We would like to say a huge thank you to William's mum and Philipos' & Harry's mum for coming in to talk to us about their jobs in Science. It was fascinating and inspiring to listen to. They explained corona virus in a little more detail to us and provided the sweets in order for  us to make our very own DNA structures. It was wonderful and delicious too!

World Book Day 2020

We have had another wonderful World Book Day!

Year 5 children came to read to us.

It was delightfully noisy!laugh

To find out what we have been learning recently, ask us...

  • tell you what chronological means
  • tell you which 2 types of genre we have been writing recently (hint: non chron reports/diary entries)
  • to tell you what units we measure length in
  • to tell you what a polygon is
  • to tell you what vertices are
  • to tell you what hospitals were like 150 years ago
  • to tell you 2 significant people who helped to change hospitals
  • to name some 'everyday' materials and their uses  

History - Ordering Florence Nightingale's Timeline

Ask your child to tell you all about Florence Nightingale's or Mary Seacole's life. It's fascinating!


A very big well done to all of the children in 2O for your wonderful class assembly! You should all be very proud of yourselves for speaking so confidently and clearly!

Y2 have had a great day supporting NSPCC whilst dressed as Rock Stars!

Well Done 2C! You were amazing in our class assembly!

You looked great and spoke clearly!

I am very proud of you!

Mrs Claugh

2C Class Assembly - Creation

To find out what we have been learning, since returning to school, ask us...

  • to tell you what the School's Golden Values are
  • to use pictures/arrays to group (multiply) items/numbers together
  • to use pictures to divide (share) items/numbers
  • to tell you when a capital letter is needed
  • to name some punctuation marks and what they mean
  • to tell you what; nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs are
  • to talk about rhythm of the music
  • to tell you that plants aren't just flowers
  • to name the 7 continents 
  • to name at least 5 African countries

Times Tables Rock Stars

This week your child should have come home with their TT Rock Stars username and password. We love it and I'm sure your children will too! Please encourage/support them to play on it regularly as it really helps them to become more fluent and accurate at learning the times tables.


We started our new Science topic - Plants. We started by observing and sketching trees
