How will you know Computing is having an impact?
The Computing curriculum is having an impact when children are meeting or moving beyond expectations by the time they leave in Y6 as well as using computer/ computational thinking to aid their learning across all other subjects. Purple Mash Computing Scheme of work ensures there is no limit to what the children are able to do. It is very much child-led learning. Children have access to a wide range of resources to support and inspire creative learning every day. There are an increasing amount of Greater Depth learners showing the curriculum is having an impact. Children also do very well on the Bebras Challenge (a computational thinking challenge). In March 2020, eleven Year 6 children were selected to participate in the TCS Oxford Computing Challenge after achieving a top 10% score on the UK Bebras Challenge. The subject leader will rely on pupil and teacher feedback (through conversations/ feedback forms) to ensure Computing is having an impact.
How will you assess how well the pupils are learning the content outlined in the curriculum?
The Computing coordinator will monitor assessment trackers each term. The children all have individual log-ins to Purple Mash which they can save their work to. Work and lesson scrutinies will take place regularly.
How well does Computing prepare pupils for the next stage of their education?
The Computing curriculum prepares children well for the next stage of their education. Children will be able to:
- code, program, explore digitally and communicate collaboratively (safely) to a high level
- be proficient in a range of IT skills: multimedia, digital imagery, data handling, and music and sound, using it appropriately for relevant purposes
- have digital resilience and responsible digital citizens, with an awareness of the dangers and what to do if they feel their safety is threatened in any way
What types of formative and summative assessment are used for your subject? What impact do they have on the curriculum? Do they dictate the curriculum?
Assessment tracking is updated each term, as the units are taught. Work is also saved on Purple Mash and Google Drive and shared with the subject leader, who checks and manages this. Computing lessons provide formative assessment opportunities through use of questioning within lessons and pupil and teacher feedback. Children have their own unique log-ins which enables their work to be saved in one place. Pupils are able to give feedback to their class teacher on how they found their independent work. Class teachers are then able to assess the children's work and also provide feedback. Computing has a huge impact on the curriculum as the opportunities for cross-curricular are endless. The use of media, for many children, brings learning to life and is relevant for them. The assessment dictates the curriculum as it provides the subject leader with a clear picture of what is being covered. Anything not being covered is then addressed and changed.