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Autumn Term Blog

Friday 20th November

Can your child tell you about...

  • the story of 'the story that didn't want to be told'?
  • which character they described from the above story. Cam they tell you the words they used to describe that character?
  • re tell (orally) the story of the Bear and the Piano, including lots of detail!
  • how to add and subtract two 2 digit numbers using both column methods and number lines 
  • some facts about the Great Fire of London
  • how they would have felt if they were alive at the time of the GFoL
  • the types of things they found during their habitat hunt (which things were alive? which were dead? which had never been alive?)
  • the OAA activity they did in PE and which teacher was leading that activity?
  • the name of the 2 songs we will be learning for Christmas time. (apologies for their ear worms!)

Friday 13th November

Can your child tell you...

  • what a purple polishing pen is? and where they have used one?
  • about the story of the Bear and the Piano. Can they describe the bear to you?
  • what appearance means and what personality means?
  • how to subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number using column method
  • how to subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number using a number line
  • the route we walked up to church and where they left their poppy pebble
  • why we celebrate Remembrance Day
  • a thing that is alive, something that is dead and something that has never been alive?
  • about the pictures we looked at that depict the Great Fire of London
  • the year the Fire of London was
  • the OAA activity they did in PE and which teacher was leading that activity?

Friday 6th November

Ask your child to tell you about:

  • Michael's adventure
  • types of sentences (command, statement, question and exclamation) and give you examples of each 
  • the adventure they have planned for Michael
  • adding and subtracting 10s using a column format
  • the 5 step process of adding a 1 digit number to a 2 digit number by bridging the 10s

       e.g. 28+7=?

  1. find the next multiple of 10 to the number  (30)
  2. work out how many more to the next multiple of 10 (2) - number bonds to 10 vital here!
  3. now you have that number, partition the number you are adding (7 = 2+5) - a whole part model helps here
  4. now add on the remaining part of the partition 30 + 5 =
  5. write down out the answer

  • as above but as a column formation, with exchanging (carrying)

  • the Gunpowder Plot, including what led to the plot and how it was stopped
  • how we welcome a baby and a king and how this compared to welcoming Jesus?


If your child can remember any of the following from before half term:

  • find 10 more or less than a given number
  • use column format to add a 2 digit number and a 1 digit number
  • use column format to subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number
  • the many ways humans keep clean
  • compare London and Brasilia (can they remember which country Brasilia is the capital?) What was similar, what was different?

16th October

This week ask us about...

  • the story of John Patrick Norman McHennessy laugh
  • types of sentences. Ask your child to give you an example of the following sentence types; statement, question, exclamation and command
  • comparing number sentences e.g. 10+4 ? 18  or 16+3 ? 16-1
  • number bonds to 10 and using those to recall multiple of ten number bonds to 100 (e.g. 20+80, 60+40)
  • number bonds to 100 e.g 28+72, 41+59 etc
  • The Windrush Generation
  • Which city did they design a poster for in Geography. Manchester or London? Which landmarks did they include?
  • The image we looked at to describe the Kingdom or God.

13th October


The spellings for next week have been set on the Google Classroom.

Please bare with us, we are learning how to use it along side you.

Polite Reminder

Please can you tick, sign or comment when your child has read their reading books!

Friday 9th October

Ask you child about:

  • their version of a fable, they wrote out this week
  • the story of the Tadpole's Promise
  • ask them to tell you at least 1 2A sentence for the caterpillar and one for the tadpole (a 2A sentence is a sentence that uses 2 adjectives to describe the noun)
  • fact families. Can they give you some examples?
  • how many number sentences can they find for fact family 7,3,10 (minimum 4, 6- great, max 8!)
  • what inverse means
  • demonstrate inversing the number sentences (e.g.  4+?=10 therefore 10-4=?)
  • facts about the countries in the UK
  • what exercises they performed in our science lesson, for how long and how many repetitions did they do?
  • what have they learnt about the Kingdom of God?

Friday 2nd October

Ask us about...

  • what a proverb is?
  • what is a compound sentence?
  • their version of a fable they have planned to write. Who are their characters? Where is it set? What is the moral of their story?
  • counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. Try asking your child to count on from any number e.g count in 2s from 44 etc
  • finding numbers on a number line. This is harder than it sounds especially when the number line is in 2s or 5s or 10s or doesn't have any scales on it at all!
  • how many countries in the UK? Can they name their capital cities?
  • A healthy and balanced diet
  • the Kingdom of God. How should we behave within the Kingdom of God?

Some Reminders

Still image for this video

Friday 25th September

Ask us to tell you...

  • what a Fable is
  • to name 3 fables and their morals 
  • to differentiate between a speech bubble and speech marks
  • how to compare numbers by looking at the tens and ones
  • what the following symbols mean = < >
  • order any 3 or more given 2 digit numbers (e.g. 43, 34, 84, 83) 
  • the basic needs of humans and animals (air, water, food)
  • what their class is doing for the Harvest Festival film
  • about their PE lesson today. What did they learn? What did they enjoy?

PE- Rolling 25.9.20

Friday 18th September

It's been another busy week!

Ask your child to tell you all about ...

  • partitioning numbers into tens and ones
  • can they tell you all the ways of partitioning 39? (39+0, 29+10, 19+20)
  • their rhyming sentences inspired by the Oi Frog and Oi Dog books
  • the school's Golden Values
  • the class rules they helped to decide
  • the differences between a town and country
  • the stages of being a human


Tuesday 15th September

Homework folders coming home tonight!

Sticky Back Plastic at the ready!


Friday 11th September

We've had a busy first week of term! 

Ask us to...

  • Recall number bonds to 10, 20 and 100
  • tell you if a number is odd or even
  • tell you how many tens and ones there are in a given number
  • add 10 more or 10 less to a given number (and tell you how to cheat with a number square)
  • double or halve a given number
  • tell you what a noun is and give examples
  • tell you what a verb is and give examples
  • tell you what a sentence starts and ends with 
  • tell you the name of animal babies. Can they tell you what a hatchling is? or a foal? or which animals have calves?


Take a look at what we did in year 2 last year...

Christopher's Christmas

We all thoroughly enjoyed watching

Christopher's Christmas

this morning courtesy of

Topsy Turvy Theatre Company.


2C Music Concert


Well done 2C  you all performed brilliantly! 

Wonderful singing and fife playing! 

Thank you to Miss McPheely for teaching 2C music this term 

2C Music Concert

We are so proud of you Y2

You were amazing in our Christmas Performance

What beautiful singing, clear speaking and smiley faces!

Y2 Christmas Performance

2O's Christmas Puppets

Money! Money! Money!

In Maths we are currently learning about money. We are finding that the children are having difficulty with identifying coins and understanding the relationship between pounds and pence. We know that we are living in an increasingly cashless society, however it is important that the children have an awareness and have experience using money in everyday situations. Perhaps Saturday's fair could be an ideal opportunity to put these skills into practise?!

History Walk - Comparing Bowdon now and then

2O have been...

This Morning we enjoyed doing the Joe Wicks Big Move for Children in Need

Apparatus in PE

Remembrance Day 2019

We have been talking and writing about the significance of today.


Lest we Forget. 11.11.19

To find out what we've been learning recently ask your child...

  • to show you the method of using a number line to add and subtract 1 digit and 2 digit numbers crossing the 10's
  • to show you a; bar model, whole part model, tens frame or any other diagram for a given calculation
  • to partition numbers  to 10 quickly (e.g 7=1+6/2+5/3+4) (we are surprised with how many children can not do this!)
  • to tell you their version of a fable, including which fable they based it on, which characters they used and what the moral of their fable was
  • to tell you whether a given object is living, dead, non-living or had never lived
  • to explain what life processes are (using MRS GREN). Can they remember what each letter stands for?
  • to explain who Nelson Mandela was and tell you all about his life
  • to tell you which songs they are learning for the Christmas Presentation

Please can you help your child to write their name and address correctly too

During our English lessons this half term we will be writing letters. Please can you help your child to learn how to correctly spell their full name and address.

We have been having some problems with the number of rucksacks in school. The cloakrooms are small and the children are struggling to move around in them and find their things. As a result we would ask that rucksacks do not come into school unless the children have an after school club that requires a change of clothes. I had a look today and many of the rucksacks were empty. Books bags are adequate for reading books only and they can carry in water bottles and snacks and put them in the correct place within the classroom. This will hopefully alleviate some of the problems we have in the cloakrooms. 

Many thanks, Y2 Teachers



Reminder - Snacks Permitted in School (Break times and after school)

See what 2O have been doing this half term...

Science - Keeping Clean- Washing germs away!

To find out what we've been learning recently ask your child...

  • to explain what commutativity is
  • to explain what inverse is
  • to explain (even show you) 2 different ways of showing whole-part diagrams
  • to tell you what a proverb means, perhaps even give you an example
  • to tell you some conjunctions (fanboys) and how we use them in our writing
  • to tell you what a main clause and subordinate clause in a sentence is
  • to tell you at least 4 different ways of keeping clean
  • to tell you some facts about Brasilia and how it compares to London
  • tell you who Kandinsky is and why he's famous

PE/ Gymnastics - Balancing

Y2 Presentation (8.10.19)

Harvest Festival

In preparation of our Harvest Festival on Thursday 10th October at St Mary's please help your child learn the following songs;

Polite Notice

Please ensure your child has a coat in school everyday! We will do the daily mile come rain or shine. Perhaps pack a lightweight rainproof coat for the daily mile slot which your child leaves in school each day. Thank you.

To find out what we've been learning recently ask your child...

  • to count backwards in 5s
  • Count in 3s
  • to tell you a multiple of 2, 3, 5 or 10
  • to add or subtract 10 to any number
  • to find the difference between two numbers
  • to explain what dialogue/ conversation is
  • to explain how conversation is punctuated in text
  • to tell you at least 2 fables and their morals
  • to explain what an aerial view is
  • to tell you the life stages of a human
  • to demonstrate tuck, pike and straddle body positions (gymnastics)
  • to tell you who Borris is (clue not the PM!)
  • to tell you what it means to be HeartSmart!
  • to tell you if they have increased the distance they can run without stopping on the daily mile track!

Science Healthy Eating

Purple Polishing Pens!


Still image for this video
Egg and Sausage Rolling in Mirror Image


Still image for this video
Egg and Sausage Rolling in Mirror Image

What a start to Year 2! See what we've been up to...