Covid-19 SEND Resources
Trafford SEND Directory- helpful resources Click for further advice, information and an abundance of resources.
Resources for ASC/ communication and interaction
- COVID-19-I-Can-Help-1 Carol Gray.pdf
- Why school has changed Social Story.docx
- Returning to School Social Story.docx
- Social Distancing Social Story Younger Ch.pdf
- Transitioning to my new class.pdf
- Mylockdownexperience resource with symbols.pdf
- Corona Virus Kids Activity Book.pdf
- About my feelings.pdf
- Calm-Down-Brain-Break-Breathing-Exercise-Cards (1).pdf
- Top Tips Supporting Children with ASC.pdf
- Having a coronavirus test.docx
Speech and Language Resources
Trafford SLT Facebook page The Trafford SLT team regularly update their Facebook page with resources and training dates. (Online).
Physical/ OT advice
Fine Motor Activities with Kim Griffin (OT) An OT is hosting a fine motor skills workshop every weekday at 11AM. Lots of other videos on the website too.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Resources
Resources for mental health can be found in the "Child and Family Wellbeing" part of the school website.