1/6/20 to 8/6/20 - Welcome to Summer 2!
Friday 5.6.20
Feedback from Thursday:
A few of you have still not been into your Charlotte’s Web comprehensions or narrative hook writing and responded to our comments. PLEASE do this. We give you feedback to help you!
Your Mool Mantras were brilliant. We loved the ones which showed your personalities, and mentioned climate change, vegetarianism and the need for tolerance in society.
Lesson 1: Reading
On Wednesday we looked at classic fiction and this morning we are looking at a classic poem - The Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll.
You will have read this before - but what I am asking you to do today will be harder!
See below for the poem text and the tasks.
As always, you can hand-write or type your responses.
You don’t need to share them with us today, because we are going to go through it in our Zoom and mark it then - so make sure you keep your answers handy.
We are looking forward to seeing your performance videos!
Lesson 2: Maths
Warm up:
You all have at least one task set on My Maths. You can choose which task to do if you have several set for you. Some of these tasks are for Y7 and include elements of Maths that we have not covered in lessons, but they are certainly not beyond you. Use your super problem-solving skills to figure out what you need to do! If you are really stuck, do NOT stress! Let us know and we will plan future tasks to help your confidence build.
Your main tasks (there are two of them - see below) will not take long today so please spend at least 30 minutes on My Maths.
Main task:
See sheets below on decimals and fractions and dividing decimals by integers.
The answers are separate. Please self-mark and check any errors.
Powerful Knowledge: Quiz of the Week
Write down your answers (no need to type and share them) - will go through this on a Zoom.
Art: Drawing a bird
You can make this black and white or coloured in any media you have to hand. It can be as large or as small as you wish. See the example below.
Thursday 4.6.20
Feedback from Tuesday and Wednesday:
Your extending of narrative hooks was brilliant! If you shared your work with us, we have been in and made comments. Sometimes they are minor edits you need to make and sometimes we have just given feedback. Please go into your document to check it. At the moment we are the last editors. By the end of today, you should be the last editor. Thank you!
Charlotte’s Web comprehension - again, we have been into these documents and ‘marked’ them. Please check your work. For those who did not do it electronically, the main issue we encountered was a lack of quoting. You really must get into the habit of using the text in your responses. For example:
Mr Arable is a kind man. I know this because the text states that he was ‘looking down at his daughter with love’ when she was begging him not to kill the pig.
Lesson 1: Maths
Warm up:
See questions below, which are similar to those you did yesterday. The answers are at the end.
Main task:
Follow this link, click on Summer Term Week 6 (1 June), watch the video for Lesson 4 (percentages of amounts) and then do the activity attached below (in your book or on paper).
The answers are on a separate document - please mark yourself and check you understand any errors:
Lesson 2: RE
Before the holiday we were learning about Sikhism.
In Sikhism, the essential beliefs are summed up in the Mool Mantra.
It’s a bit like our Apostles’ Creed:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to hell.
The third day he rose again from the dead.
He ascended to heaven
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
Today you are going to write your own Mool Mantra - your own statement of essential beliefs. See the attachment below.
There is no fixed length for this and certainly no fixed content!
Remember, at the time, Jesus was a rebel!
If you want to say ‘I believe that people should not eat meat’ then that is absolutely fine.
It is YOUR statement and nobody else’s.
Please look at the examples and then write your version. If you are typing it, share it with us. If not, pop it into your folder.
Powerful Knowledge - Buildings
We were going to do something different today, but I have postponed that because it’s always nice to use topical sources, and this week an artist died. His name was Christo, and he appears in our slides and quiz today. His art was not art as we think of it!
Read the slides below and then do the quiz.
You don’t have to share this with us but do check any answers you got wrong.
Wednesday 3.6.20
Lesson 1: Maths
Warm up:
Mixed Reasoning problems - see sheet below. The answers are at the end. Some of these are tricky but PLEASE persevere!
Do them on paper or in your book and then self-mark please! Thank you.
Main task:
Follow this link, click on Summer Term Week 6 (1 June), watch the video for Lesson 3 (order FDP) and then do the activity attached below (in your book or on paper).
The answers are on a separate document - please mark yourself and check you understand any errors:
Lesson 2: Reading
As part of our Powerful Knowledge curriculum, we want to make sure that by the time you leave us, you have been exposed to all the greats of children’s literature!
Today we are going to read the first chapter of Charlotte’s Web, which you may have read before (and so you should do really well on this task). After reading it, you will answer some comprehension questions.
See below for the text and the questions. Please email your answers to us if you are able to, or hand-write them. We will then check how you have got on and we can go over any issues in a Zoom call later in the week.
If you like the text, continue reading (it is a LOVELY book 😍 - Mrs Storey’s favourite- she still has the copy she was given aged 8!!).
Powerful Knowledge: Geography
Have a look at the attached slides, looking at some of the amazing features of Planet Earth!
Then do the quiz.
You don't have to send us the results, but if you get any wrong, please go back and check what the correct answer was.
Tuesday 2.6.20
Feedback from yesterday:
The proofreading tasks were generally done well. There just seemed to be one issue - read this opening again:
The door slammed behind Me. I was alone in the room. Or was I.
I think that looking at it now, you will all see that the final sentence uses question syntax and is thus a question, requiring a question mark.
If you shared your work with me (Mrs T), I have gone in and marked it. Please now go in yourself and look at my comments. I am currently the last editor of all of your documents. Next time I look, you should be the last editor. Thank you!
The Maths warm-up was missing an answer. Mrs Thompson is contrite! The answer to Q7 was 9 divided by 2 is 4.5.
Lesson 1: Maths
Warm up:
Worksheet II on Fractions Decimals & Percentages below - the answers are at the end.
Main task:
Follow this link, click on Summer Term Week 6 (1 June), watch the video for Lesson 2 (equivalent FDP) and then do the activity attached below (in your book or on paper).
The answers are on a separate document - please mark yourself and check you understand any errors:
Lesson 2: Writing
Before the holidays, you wrote some FANTASTIC narrative hooks.
Today we are going to extend them and write short stories.
See below for details and instructions.
You can hand-write or type this. If you are typing, share your work with Mrs Thompson or Mrs Storey.
NB. (you should know what this means now 😂)
Mrs Thompson is in a staff meeting for most of the morning so if she does not go straight into your work, that’s why!
We are continuing with our Powerful Knowledge curriculum and today it’s Art.
We asked Mrs Pope (expert!) which paintings you should all be able to identify and comment upon by the time you leave primary school.
There are some specific works and artists which we are assuming you know already - these are:
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
Works by Chagall
Works by Cezanne
If you are not able to recognise these artists/works, then you MUST look them up, as assumed knowledge means that we could include them in the quiz at the end of the week!
But for this afternoon, please find below some slides and then a quiz.
Read through the slides and take pictures of the paintings with your brain-cameras! Then do the quiz.
You don't have to send us the results, but if you get any wrong, please go back and check what the correct answer was.
Year 6 - Summer 2
Dear Year 6,
Now that we are entering our second half term of home learning, we are going to change things a little.
Some things will stay the same. We will still be doing English and Maths every morning. We will still mostly use White Rose for Maths, supplemented by warm-up sheets and My Maths. English will be revising key SPaG skills (to interrupt the forgetting 😂), writing, and completing reading activities based around high-quality texts.
If we were in school this half term, you would have been throwing yourselves into Enterprise Challenge - participating in workshops and doing lots of different activities to help you learn about business, about each other, and about yourselves.
Enterprise Challenge just will not work via home learning because it’s all about collaboration. So, we will save those lessons for when we are back (🙏).
In the meantime, we have decided to make it our mission to improve your general knowledge. We have therefore designed what we are calling a ‘Powerful Knowledge’ curriculum. Every afternoon, you will have some slides to read through or videos to watch, and then a short quiz. At the end of the week there will be a longer quiz which will include questions about all of the topics you have been reading about/watching.
Please give your best effort to this. It will help you in the future, we promise.
From Mrs Thompson and Mrs Storey
Housekeeping Notes
We know that some of you do not have screen access all day and some have very little screen access at all. If that’s the case for you, then just do your best. We have no choice other than to set most of the work online, but we will find a way to help if you are struggling to do any of the tasks we are setting because of a lack of technology.
Home learning cannot and is not intended to replicate classroom learning. So in terms of timing, our view is that if you are doing 3 hours of work per day, plus some exercise and reading (including the daily newsletter that is emailed to you), then you are doing really well. Some tasks take longer - we would not expect you to spend only an hour on a writing task. But other tasks are shorter.
It is not necessary for you to do the tasks set on the days that they are set. We know that screen access may stop this happening. But it is important that by the end of the week, you have had a go at most of them. As we said above, if you are struggling with access, then let us know, and we will help.
*This means ‘Nota Bene’ in Latin - ‘note well’
Monday 1.6.20
Lesson 1: SPaG
Spelling: You have 3 spelling tasks set on Purple Mash. The results from these have been superb - 88% and 86% respectively on the last two tasks. Let’s see if we can beat those scores today!
P&G: Proofreading. Attached are 2 short pieces of writing by a Year 6 child who has not yet mastered the art of spotting their own errors. Your task is to edit ONE piece of work to bring it up to Year 6 standards of accuracy. If you wish to challenge yourself, do both.
As this is the first time we have done an activity like this, I have left many of the spelling errors underlined, BUT NOT ALL! Be very careful that you find and correct all of the mistakes. If you wish, you can also uplevel the content, by choosing better vocabulary or sentence structures than the writer.
You can hand-write or type this.
Lesson 2: Maths
Warm up:
Worksheet on Fractions, Decimals & Percentages below - the answers are at the end.
Main task:
Follow the link below, click on Summer Term Week 6 (1 June), watch the video for Lesson 1 (fractions to percentages) and then do the activity attached below (in your book or on paper).
The answers are on a separate document - please mark yourself and check you understand any errors.
Drama: Flashmobs!
A flashmob is where a group of people assemble suddenly in a public place, perform for a brief time, then quickly disperse.
It is a great way of bringing culture to everybody, not just those who go to concerts, and is a really feel-good thing to watch.
Watch these flashmobs:
And finally……..more local
You don’t have to write or draw anything this afternoon. All we want you do is THINK about the following things:
What type of music works best for a flashmob?
What kind of venue works well for a flashmob?
What do YOU think about flashmobs? 😍 or 😡
PE Powerful Knowledge:
Have a look at the attached slides and have a go at the questions at the end.
Today’s knowledge area is international sports competitions - you should have heard of all of them but here is a bit more information!
Then have a go at the quiz at the end. You don't need to share your responses with us but do check how you did!
Games: cardio and strengthening please.
Either do an online workout - for example:
or go for a run/trampoline/play football etc.