How does our current Computing curriculum match our intention?
There is a clear progression of both skills and knowledge year on year. The subject specific language is taught, at the right time, throughout the Key Stages. Children develop computational thinking, which enables them to independently break down problems, solve them and give reason. Children learn about the importance of E-Safety and therefore develop digital resilience - enabling a higher self-esteem and the ability to apply 'growth mindset' thinking.
What is the content of your subject?
From January 2020, Computing teaching will follow the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work. This scheme ensure progression of knowledge and skills year on year. Purple Mash is a creative online space from 2Simple. It hosts an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning every day.
How will Computing link with other subjects?
Computing links with every subject. Purple Mash hosts a range of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games to ensure the children are linking their learning to other subjects, such as:
- painting tools and photography (art and design)
- creating music
- using spreadsheets, databases, graphing (mathematics)
- 3D modelling (DT/mathematics)
- conducting research using secondary sources
- writing and presenting
- developing digital resilience and becoming responsible digital citizens (PSHE/RE)
Children also have the opportunity in school to use:
- online mapping (geography)
- data logging (science)
- photography (art and design)
Purple Mash also ensures resources link to the early learning goals in EYFS.
Where are there gaps in staff knowledge?
Due to the fast-moving nature of technology, which cannot be future proofed, it is clear that equipment needs to be relevant and challenging. Teachers may lack confidence in IT skills as a result of changes to technology. The Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work aims to tackle this as lessons are ready-made with a range of resources. CPD is provided by 2Simple through tutorial videos online and a training session in school to ensure that staff feel confident in teaching Computing. An IT technician is also available in school to help with any IT problems/queries staff may have.
Is your subject staffed appropriately and adequately resourced in terms of time and other resources?
Regular spending is required due to the fast moving nature of technology. Equipment needs to be relevant and challenging. Although children have access to Purple Mash online, we also ensure the children have access to a range of resources to further their knowledge, skills and experiences, such as Beebot, Kubo, Lego WeDo, Microbits, Data loggers etc. An audit takes place regularly to ensure these new resources are available to the children. Our IT technician has recently extended his hours to ensure children have access to any resources needed for their learning.