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Y5 Homework

A Note About Homework!


You will generally receive several pieces of homework per week in Year 5.  It will be distributed on a Monday, and it needs to be back by the following Monday.  Some sheets are handed out and other work is accessed through Google Classroom.

Each week you will receive either a SP&G task or a comprehension task these will be alternated weekly.  They are meant to be completed in 10 minutes although may take you longer initially.  Time yourself and write it down on your sheet.  The idea is to increase in speed as well as accuracy week on week.

You will receive a Maths work on MyMaths as well as a Maths Extension sheet.  The ‘Maths’ sheet will be based upon work that we have done in class the previous week, to embed your learning.  This should not take too long to complete.  Some of the questions on the Maths Extension sheet are pretty tricky but again, have a go.  These are mixed questions.  Some of them may cover topics that we have not yet done in Year 5 and that you did not learn in Year 4 (for example, long division or ratio).  If you are able to, have a go at them as this will help to develop your problem-solving skills (this sheet isn’t compulsory – we will go through it thoroughly in class when marking)!

You will also receive reasoning sheets (verbal & non-verbal).  Spellings will be taught daily through RWi and learned in class - the weekly spellings will be posted on the class page.  Tests will be carried out every half term.

Do NOT leave all of your homework until Sunday night. This does not make for a happy house!

It will seem a lot at first, but you will get used to it and it will help you to make super progress in Year 5. You will feel so proud of yourself when you see how well you are doing!

Whilst we ask that your parents check your homework, it is NOT their job to teach you.  That is our job! So, if you are struggling, tell us and we will help you.  Do NOT worry.  Worrying is our job too!

If your parents need to contact any one of us at any time, email is the best way:

We are going to have a brilliant year,

Mrs. Pope, Mr. Hogarth, Mrs. Byrne & Mrs. Thompson
