World Book Day
It has been a busy week in Y4! In maths, we have looked at finding fractions of amounts, and in English we have started our African stories topic. We have been busy reading lot us of different short African stories and will eventually write one of our own. To celebrate World Book Day, we had ten Year 6s come and read our favourite books to us.
Weaver Hall with Y4C
Weaver Hall
Year 4 have certainly had an impressive first week back at school! 4H and 4D went to Weaver Hall on Monday and 4C on Tuesday. There, we learnt about the Anglo-Saxons and were able to show the leaders just how much we had learnt about them last half term. We took part in dressing up as Anglo-Saxon warriors and learnt about how they were buried with some material goods. We also had the chance to make some clay gods- we loved getting our hands dirty!
TT RockStars Day
Discovering how different pitch sounds are created in Science
Persuasive letters
This half term, we have been looking at persuasive writing. We have discovered that it is all around us! We have written various texts, such as adverts; but our particular favourite writing task was writing a letter to Mrs Hudson! We were horrified to discover that staff were considering cancelling morning playtime and we wrote 90 passionate letters trying to convince Mrs Hudson to not cancel it. We were extremely relieved that through the use of brilliant persuasive techniques, we were able to persuade Mrs Hudson to keep morning play.
Conducting a Sound Survey around school to start our new Sound topic in Science
More Festive Fun with Y4
Festive Fun in Year 4
Merry Christmas!
It's been a busy few weeks at BCS! In preparation for Christmas we've created a calendar, written a poem for it, created a pop up Christmas card and created some gorgeous singing penguins pictured above! Thank you for coming to watch is perform at the carol services, we worked hard for so many weeks; it was lovely to see so many family and friends there.
We have decided to not set homework during the festive period; all we ask is that you continue reading and practising times tables!
Have a fantastic Christmas and we will see you all in the new year!
-Miss Hong, Mrs Davies and Mr Cunliffe
Year 4 had a great afternoon with Noah’s dad, Simon King, learning how to present a weather forecast and comparing our weather to Jamaica.
Year 4 were very privileged to receive and take part in a Stage-Craft workshop with M&M Productions with their production of The Jungle Book
Our wonderful friends from M&M Productions visited us last week with their performance of The Jungle Book
In RE we looked at the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. We recreated the story using drama and tableau
We were very fortunate to have Dr. Langheinrich visit us and talk to us all about the human body. We found out lots of interesting facts and we even got the opportunity to see lots of The different organs that are inside our bodies
Art - we loved starting our Picasso Art Topic by creating these self portraits, using half photograph and half drawing and colouring.
More exciting pictures of The Digestive System activity/experiment from Y4C
Digestive System
Our Science topic this term is "Animals Including Humans". Over the past few weeks, we've been looking at the digestive system, its organs and their functions. As part of this, we conducted a practical experiment to see how exactly the digestive system works.