Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important responsibilities for a parent/carer. Although this website can not possibly convey the full atmosphere of care, excitement for learning and excellence that we foster, hopefully you will find the information that you need to help you to make that choice.
Bowdon Church School is one of the highest performing primary schools nationally but the success of our pupils in national tests and as they move on to secondary schools presents only a narrow view of the experiences offered here. We are equally proud of our fully inclusive approach to children with special needs, of the numbers of children opting to be involved in sport, the creative and performing arts, our work in the community, the development of enterprise and our promotion of a healthy way of life.
The strong partnerships between governors, staff, children, parents, our churches and the local community contribute to the achievements, the facilities and the forward thinking approach of the school.
In order to fully appreciate the standards and the opportunities offered by a Primary Education at Bowdon Church School, the staff and governors warmly invite all prospective parents to visit us and see the school in action for themselves. To arrange a visit, please telephone the school office on 0161 928 8907.
Ofsted March 2020
"What is it like to attend this school?
Bowdon CofE Primary School is a wonderfully vibrant place for pupils to learn and thrive. Everyone is welcomed with open arms into this highly successful school.
The school’s Christian ethos shines through all that it does. Pupils embody the school’s ‘golden values’ of being ready, respectful, kind and safe. They recognise adults in the school as excellent role models. Pupils’ personal development is exceptional.
Staff have extremely high expectations of all pupils. The expertise of staff ensures that pupils achieve exceptionally well in all areas of the curriculum. Pupils are well equipped to become curious, self-motivated individuals who believe that they can achieve all they want to. They flourish. Pupils leave the school extremely well prepared for the future.
Pupils of all ages are absorbed in their learning. Their behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. Pupils are polite, well-mannered and greet everyone with a smile.
Parents and carers said that they are highly impressed with the school and the array of opportunities that it gives to their children. Pupils benefit from nurturing leaders and passionate staff. Pupils and parents said that this school is amazing.
Pupils feel very safe. Although bullying is rare, pupils are adamant that staff would deal with it without hesitation should it happen."
Please see the documents below for further details and for our admissions arrangements. It is important to:
- Complete an application with Trafford admissions at by 15th January 2023
- Complete the additional form to be returned to us. This will help us to make decisions based on our oversubscription criteria.
Please note that places are now reserved for local children who may not have an affiliation to a church. However, as an Anglican Church Aided School; RE, collective worship and the whole ethos of the school are based on Christian values. Parents who would be unwilling to support the school’s Christian ethos might wish to seek a place elsewhere.
Queries About Admissions
In the first instance please ring the school office on 0161 928 8907. Questions via this email can be also submitted for non urgent enquiries.