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How will you know your Art & Design curriculum is having an impact? 

All pupils even those who are SEN are included and participate, have fun and gain an appreciation for art which is evident in and around school through the many displays and activities that take place.

Children with special needs have equal access to resources and materials.  Activities are differentiated to ensure the needs of children are best met.  Work produced by all children is valued and celebrated through display, assemblies and class activities.  Children who show particular aptitude are identified, encouraged and given opportunity to flourish.  All children are encouraged to perform, and performances are valued, and high standards are expected.

An Art Club is run once a week at lunchtimes and Cr8 runs on three afternoons a week after school, which both prove to be very popular. Cr8 focuses more on the design elements whereas Art club focuses on drawing and painting techniques.

Class teachers are responsible for displaying children’s work within their classrooms and on the display boards in the corridors of their Year groups.  These displays are regularly changed and provide an opportunity to celebrate children’s work.  They also contain key vocabulary and questions, encouraging independent thinking and further learning for the children.

Through their art and design, the children are able to reach out into the community, with our pupil’s artwork having been proudly displayed in the local library and church.


How will you assess how well the pupils are learning the content outlined in the Art & Design curriculum?

Class teachers are responsible for assessing the development of individual pupil’s skills and skills lists are employed for this purpose.  Each class teacher is required to provide examples of the art and design work taught throughout the year in order to build a class portfolio.  Each Year group has access to an Excel record sheet which outlines the main assessment art objectives throughout the year and each child can be marked accordingly as to whether the objectives have been achieved.

•       Not Met

•       Meeting

•       Exceptional Performance

This form of assessment has been used for a long time and is definitely the best way in which to identify those that are either not achieving or those whom have shown exceptional performance.  Most children will be meeting the standards as they are engaging and contributing to their lessons.  They are able to appreciate their work / displays and talk confidently about what they’re doing and the progress they are making.  This also enables the children who are showing exceptional performance to be identified and given other opportunities to enhance their learning.


How well does Art & Design prepare pupils for the next stage of their education?

We believe that by developing a love for Art & Design, we can contribute to the quality of our children’s lives, both within and beyond school. We see Art and Design as a means to support learning in a range of ways. The skills that are developed in these subjects can be transferred across the curriculum and thus aid learning.

By the end of Year 6 the children will have embedded the key art and design skills needed to allow them to become confident and proficient in Art & Design as well as give them the tools to equip them to produce inventive and imaginative pieces of art. 


What types of formative and summative assessment is used for your subject?  What impact do they have on the curriculum?  Do they dictate the curriculum?

The Art curriculum is very broad and can be interpreted in many ways.  As young learners it’s important not to stifle children’s creativity but rather learn through exploration and appreciation.  The assessments are based on The Art Curriculum assessment criteria, which ensures that the children are given a rich and wide creative curriculum and highlights any areas which aren’t covered.


