Curriculum Pages
Our aim at BCS is for our children to develop a lifelong love of learning and a lifelong feeling of security in the love of God.
Our expectations of our children, and of ourselves, are unapologetically ambitious. We want to inspire curiosity, encourage resilience, build independence and grow happy, confident and well-rounded learners.
How do we do this?
Our curriculum content is challenging because our children deserve nothing less. In English, we build reading fluency in every child as a matter of priority, and as they progress through the school we immerse them in the best of classical and modern literature. In Maths, we prioritise problem solving skills in order to create successful future mathematicians. In History, Geography and RE, we encourage the children to question, make links and to critically analyse sources. In Science, we debate and challenge concepts, forming conclusions based on scientific enquiry. In Music, Art and DT, we are inspired by great composers, artists and designers and emulate them in our own pieces. In PE, we seek to constantly better our previous performances. By the time our children leave us, they can speak and write at increasing length in grammatically-correct French.
Our curriculum is not built around the reductive idea of ‘What is the minimum knowledge we want the children to learn in this topic?’ but rather, ‘What is the MOST we can absorb from it?’ For this reason, our curriculum is not static, but is shifting and evolving to meet the needs of our inquisitive teachers and learners.
How do we know we have succeeded?
Anecdotally from BCS alumni, local secondary schools, parents and through our involvement in the TTSA Secondary Transition Project, we know that our children are exceptionally well-prepared for the next stage of their educational journey. They are hard-working, organised young people of great character, who have good general knowledge and are team players. They are not only in possession of an impressive set of summative KS2 results, but also the soft skills that will ensure future success in education and in life.