How did you get on with looking at and making maps last week? They can be tricky to draw can't they?! This week we are moving onto making routes and using positional language like North, South, East and West to describe where the route is going. The activity is to have a go at making your own route using either a map you have drawn or a print out from the internet of your local area... remember Naughty Elephants Squirt Water!
North South East West | Cardinal Directions | Geography for Kids | Geography Games
Learn the Cardinal Directions North South & East West with a bonus Directions Geography Quiz at the end! Maps and Directions are important to learn about and...
The Directions Song | The North South East West Song | Scratch Garden
The Directions Song teaches the directions for kids! Our 2ND CHANNEL is on Patreon! ►► ◄◄ Are you teaching how to use a...