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w/b 11.05.20



As the children have now completed all the maths activities in their home learning pack, we have included pdf documents above so that you are able to still access the textbook and worksheet activities from home. Please use the the textbook, the practice book and White Rose Maths videos to help you with your learning. 


Power Maths Practice book

For Power Maths worksheets please see Practice Book pdf above. 


Please complete these pages on each given day:

Tuesday's lesson- pg 12-14 

Wednesday's lesson pg 15-17

Thursday's lesson pg 18- 20

Friday's lesson pg 21- 23



 Power Maths Textbook

Please see Textbook pages for each lesson above.



White Rose Maths Videos: 

Tuesday: Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 2 video (Equivalent Fractions 3) 

Wednesday: Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 3 video (Comparing Fractions)

Thursday: Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 4 video (Order Fractions)

Friday: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 1 video (Add Fractions)



Remember to use your textbook worksheets (see details above) to help you with the appropriate methods as White Rose Maths videos don't always follow Power Maths worksheets exactly.



If you would like an additional challenge or a starter to warm up your brain , please visit: 

Please see Power Up pdf above.



Tuesday- Complete Lesson 4

Wednesday - Complete Lesson 5

Thursday - Complete Lesson 6

Friday - Complete Lesson 7 


