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Greetings Year 6 2024-25! 

Welcome back to school - we are really looking forward to getting to know you all and making sure that your final year at BCS is a year to remember!  You will need to be in the classroom, ready to start learning by 8:40am each day for class registration and remember we finish at 3:05pm.


Please don't forget to wear your PE kit on Mondays and Tuesdays and you should bring items for school, like a pencil case, morning snack, lunchbox and water bottle, in a named school bag to school every day. Make sure longer hair is tied up and you definitely need a named coat for the British weather!


We also MUST have your parents' permission if you want to walk home on your own. Please complete the form which is attached to the Parentmail which was sent at the start of term. For one-off changes, please bring a signed note on the day (or ask parents to email the class teacher) so we can arrange a temporary walking home pass.


And finally, absolutely no mobile phones or electronic devices, including smart watches / Fitbits are allowed in school. 


We will put updates and photos on these pages regularly, so do check often. We are super-excited about the year ahead and we hope that you are too!


Mrs. Storey, Miss Jenkinson, Mrs. Mosley and Mrs.Thompson. 
