Parental Involvement
Parental involvement is encouraged to form a strong partnership between school and home. The website is a regular source of communication between school and families, particularly the Year Group pages, child and family wellbeing, and our weekly newsletters.
The PTA provides an important social network, as well as raising money for additional resources in and around school. They run several events through the year including: welcome events for new Reception parents, a PTA Ball, Christmas and Summer Fairs. All parents are welcome to termly meetings and help with events is gratefully appreciated. Please visit the PTA page for more information.
All parents and prospective parents should read the Parent Code of Conduct. This also gives guidelines of expectation for you to support your child's education. By accepting a place at Bowdon Church School it is understood that you agree to the contents of this Code of Conduct and to supporting our school ethos.
Volunteering in school
Over the school year there are many different ways parents can support school life. Certain topics and subjects particularly lend themselves to parental talks and in recent years we have welcomed a wide range of professions, including: doctors, dentists, business entrepreneurs, lawyers, project managers, sporting professionals, physiotherapists, musicians and weather presenters!
Parents can also become involved in some practical activities in school such as: gardening, nature study, art and technology projects.
Adult volunteers are invited to assist as required with supervision for walking children to church services and organised school visits over the year and: class teachers will contact you about arrangements.
Please see documents below about our code of conduct for visitors in school. It is important to note that the use of mobile phones in sight of children is not permitted and photographs must only be taken by school staff due safeguarding regulations.
School Governors
The Governing Board is responsible for both the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The Governing Board carries out its role by ensuring the vision and ethos is established and that the school works efficiently and effectively. It does this by building a thorough knowledge of the school and its community, by both supporting and constructively challenging the school, and ensuring compliance. The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one; operational matters are the responsibility of the school leadership team. The Governing Board of our school is made up of various categories of Governors who all work together in the interest of children at the School.
Why volunteer as a school governor?
You may consider becoming a school governor because:
- you care about the education young people receive
- you want to make an important contribution to society and local communities
- you are keen to help all children enjoy their time at school and do the best they can
- you want to help to strengthen the link between schools and their communities
- you want to use the skills you have in a worthwhile and rewarding role
- you enjoy the challenge of learning and developing your own skills whilst helping others
Governors need not be experts in the field of education. What they do need is an interest in the school and in the welfare of our children as well as the time and willingness to get involved. Sometimes parents with particular skills, such as an expertise in finance, are invited to apply but training and support is available to Governors.
Governors need the ability to be able to work as part of a team, to question proposals and contribute to discussions so that the Board can make good decisions. All Governors are expected to be able to read straightforward budget reports and data on school standards.
Governors are expected to:
● attend termly meetings of the full Governing Board
● contribute as a member of a Committee and attend termly meetings
● visit the school formally at least once a year
● attend school events when possible to support the work of the school and improve their knowledge and understanding of the school
● attend training courses and be ready to be interviewed by Ofsted inspectors when necessary
In return, we commit to
● provide access to quality training
● provide governors with access to our on-line GovernorHub portal giving easy access to documents, agendas and information to support you in their role
You might also like to look at the information for Governors on or via our Clerking Service
Please note that for the protection of children all governor appointments are subject to a DBS check and identity check.