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Our Governors

Meet our Governing Body

We await the appointment of the new incumbent.

Governor Committees


Mrs S. Halliwell (Headteacher)

Mrs S. Moss (Deputy Headteacher)

Mrs H. Gartside

Mrs D. Green



Mrs D. Green (Chair)

Mrs S. Kontny (Vice Chair)

Ms K. Burke

Mrs S. Halliwell

Mr. R. Abbott

Mrs S. Moss 

Mr Z. Richardson 

Mrs M Graham

Mrs H. Gartside


School Improvement Plan Committee (SIPC)

Mr. M. Herrington (Chair)

Mr J. Waddington (Vice Chair)

Mrs S. Halliwell

Mrs A. Unwin

Mrs L. Cochrane

Mrs M Graham

Mrs S. Moss 


Headteacher's Performance Management

Mrs D. Green (Chair)

Ms K. Burke


Pay Review Committee

Ms K. Burke (Chair) -

Mrs S. Halliwell

Mrs D. Green

Mr J. Waddington 


Pupil Discipline Committee

Any 3 selected Governors subject to availability and impartiality


Complaints Panels / Disciplinary & Appeals Panels

Any 3 selected Governors subject to availability and impartiality



Governor Attendance 22/23
