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Y1 Homework

Most of our communication is now via Google Classroom so please ensure you check it regularly for the latest information.



We are following Read Write Inc as our phonics and reading scheme. Each week your child will bring home their new reading book and book bag book/s every Thursday. Their in class storybook should be read at home once. You should notice that the children are confident and fluent with this book as they have been working hard on it each day in school. They will also bring home a book bag book/s which have not been looked at in school with are directly linked to the speed sounds and words within their main storybook. These should be read three times. The first time for accuracy, the second time for fluency and the third time for comprehension.


Please practise the following before reading each book:

*Speed Sounds  

*Story Green Words (words specific to that story)

*Speedy Green Words (high frequency words)

*Red Words (words that they cannot decode using their current phonic knowledge)


Children will also bring home a share book. This book has been chosen by your child and may contain sounds and words that are unfamiliar. We ask that you help them with this book.


It is really important that you ask your child question about what they are reading to check that they are not just decoding but also understanding and seeking meaning from the text. You could ask them:

What type of book are you reading? (fiction/non-fiction)

Who is the main character?

How was he/she feeling when....? How can you tell?

What happens in the story?

What might happen next?

Can you think of a different ending?

Can you retell the story in your own words?

What facts can you remember? (non-fiction)


Books will be sent home every Thursday and need to be returned by the following Tuesday/Wednesday.



Our spellings are set every Thursday. The list is added to Google Classroom every week so that the children can practise them at home. There are also links to the speed sound lesson and spelling lesson from Read Write Inc. We always try to match the spellings to the speed sounds/special friends taught in class. Our weekly spellings are also set on Spelling Shed with is an additional, interactive resource. A spelling quiz takes place the following Friday




Maths homework is set every Thursday either on My Maths or via Google Classroom every Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday. We follow a mastery approach to Maths in school using Power Maths. The children use a range of different strategies and equipment in lessons in order to enable them to visualise the concept. In Year 1 we use:

*part part whole models

*number lines

*ten frames

*hundred squares

*multi link

