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Religious Affiliation and Church Links

Religious Affiliation

The school is a fully aided Church of England school with a Trust Deed dated 1553 which states that the education provided is to be according to the doctrines of the Church of England.  There is a collective act of worship every day and all the children are taken to services held in St Mary’s  Church during school hours on special occasions. There is a school Carol Service, Harvest Festival and an Easter Service held at St. Mary’s. At the start of the year a School Blessing service is held with the school and church communities on a Sunday morning in September. 


However, as a local community school we recognise that some of our families have other faith backgrounds and although they attend church as a school community event, they are not expected to pray in a Christian Church, should they prefer not to.  All pupils attend assemblies and whilst Christian, the content is relevant to all main faiths as it focus' on values and moral behaviour. Pupils receive much of the information required for the running of a school during assemblies and we prefer the children to attend, however, pupils may be withdrawn if it is thought appropriate. Children may also be withdrawn from RE lessons if appropriate, after discussion with the class teacher. However parents should give consideration to the fact that that our Christian faith is visible around school and it runs through everything that we do in Bowdon Church School. 

Church Links

Families who attend one of our affiliated churches - St. Mary's with St. Luke's Bowdon, St. Peter's Hale with St. Elizabeth's Ashley and St. Mark's Dunham - are given priority for the 70 foundation places in school.  Parents are expected to attend twice a month for one year, prior to their supplementary admissions form being  handed in to the church office for signing.  This applies for each child in the family and most continue to attend and participate in church services and events.  


Governing Body

The incumbent of Bowdon Parish Church is an ex-officio member of the Governing Body of school.  Provision is also made for the representation of St. Peter's Church, Hale on the Governing Body.
