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15/6/20 - 19/6/20 - Week 3


Year 6 - it has been SO lovely to see you all again

We hope that you have enjoyed your time in school as much as we have. 

Please complete the home learning tasks below today. 

You could also go into your 'Trainer Try Out' writing and check/uplevel it, and you all have at least one My Maths task set. 

Have a great weekend and we will see you all again next week, 

From Mrs Thompson & Mrs Storey

Home Learning Tasks


Dear Year 6, 

This week is a little different, as you will all be spending 2 days in school. 

Below, you will find the tasks that you should complete on the days that you are NOT in school. 

They are organised by subject area. 

You can manage your time as you wish - do all the Maths one day and the English another - whatever you choose! 

All we ask is that by Friday, you have completed all of these tasks. 

You do not need to share any of them with us, but please do check your answers (the answers are given for the majority of the tasks - we will go over the others in school), and keep in touch on the days that you are not with us, by Gmail or Google Classroom.

If you are stuck, make a note of what it was you were stuck on and we can go over it together. 

We are really looking forward to welcoming you all back, 

Mrs Thompson & Mrs Storey 
