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As a staff team we have been reviewing Behaviour & Relationship practice across the last school year, speaking with behaviour professionals in the LA as well as others we work with; Longford Park Outreach, Place2Be, play therapist, EP, OT, Team Teach etc. We have held staff training for particular areas such as Zones of Regulation, Restorative Practice and Team Teach, amongst others.

The school’s Christian and Golden values underpin all aspects of school life. We are committed to providing a Ready, Respectful, Kind and Safe environment for all our pupils so they can enjoy ‘life in all its abundance’.



We recognise that our parents/carers are critically important in encouraging good behaviour and using appropriate strategies to reduce negative behaviour. The school ensures that parents/carers are made aware of both positive and negative behaviour and on the rare occasions of the latter, will work exhaustively with the child and parents/carers to find ways of solving the problem.


At Bowdon we aim:

  • To create a safe, caring and respectful learning environment where all children feel seen, heard and valued
  • To build trusting and respectful relationships where everyone works together to solve problems and everyone has a voice
  • For pupils to take ownership of their behaviour, develop empathy with others and become self-disciplined
  • To support children to identify their own and others’ emotions and to develop their own strategies to self- regulate, using Zones of Regulation
  • To promote a consistent framework for children’s behaviour through the involvement of pupils, parents and school staff
  • To prepare children as responsible, rights respecting citizens
  • To develop social, emotional and behavioural skills, providing children with the confidence and resilience to resolve disputes with others
  • For pupils to articulate their thoughts, emotions and feelings in a safe environment 
  • To use a restorative approach to address discipline and behavioural issues and use a consistent process when reducing levels of conflict. Children need to be aware that their actions have consequences, which can be both good and bad, depending on the choices they make
  • To create an inclusive and welcoming community, where differences are celebrated and bullying is not tolerated
  • To empower our young people to stand up for their beliefs, to be truthful and to show courageous advocacy


The Zones of Regulation is an approach to teaching about and talking about behaviour with an emphasis on children learning to recognise their own and others feelings, and the strategies and tools needed to self-regulate. It incorporates specific taught sessions with a visual support system and the use of a consistent language frame to support children with developing self-regulation and understanding of expected and unexpected behaviours. The curriculum supports children not only to attend to how they feel, but also to better understand their sensory needs and thinking patterns. This in turn, means our children will also become more attuned to how their actions affect others, resulting in healthy relationships for all.


A restorative approach offers a positive approach to addressing discipline and behavioural issues. Punitive measures of consequence provide children with very little in the way of a true understanding of the impact their actions have had on others. The restorative discussion provides a ‘teachable moment’. Children can hear and observe the impact of their actions directly from those who have experienced it. It gives all parties a voice and the chance to be heard.


The aim is to reach an agreed outcome where the people affected are satisfied, and where the child displaying the unexpected behaviours is given the opportunity to correct or make up for their unexpected action. Where the unexpected action has caused a direct loss or negative impact on an individual or property, the repair may involve a restorative action or ‘payback’, also referred to as a consequence. This will involve ‘restoring’ to the recipient what has been lost either by way of action, for example a child that injures another child during play could write a letter of apology, or carry out an act of kindness to demonstrate remorse. Further detail can be found in the policy below, also our Anti-Bullying & Safeguarding policies.


Behaviour & Relationship Policy


Safeguarding Policy


Ant-Bullying Policy


Through our PSHE curriculum, children at Bowdon Church School are taught to recognise unacceptable behaviours in relationships and have the confidence and self- esteem to value themselves and manage the situation, or seek appropriate help from a trusted adult. Children are taught how to report and recognise emotional, physical and sexual abuse, including peer on peer abuse and harassment.


We do everything in our power to ensure that all children come to school free from fear and intimidation. If you or your child has any concerns relating to bullying or harassment, please contact your class teacher in the first instance. The school governor responsible for supporting the school in dealing with bullying is Kate Burke.


What should I do if I have concerns about behaviour or feel that my child is being bullied?


As parents and carers we all want our children to be happy and safe, and it is natural to worry about bullying - particularly if we have experienced bullying ourselves or think our child may be more vulnerable to bullying.  The good news is you are not alone. We are here to help and organisations such as The Anti-Bullying Alliance and the NSPCC also offer support for children, families, and schools to help keep children safe.


At the first possible opportunity please contact your child's class teacher to discuss your concerns. Mrs Power, our pastoral lead is also available to talk to parents, carers and children who have worries or concerns. 
