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Pet Therapy

This is our dog, Alfie, who has qualified to work as a Pets As Therapy dog.  He will be visiting school regularly to work with a small number of selected children who will spend time with him reading and playing.  Mrs Power will be looking after the referrals for time with Alfie, which will come direct from parents and from staff. After an initial session to assess the benefits to a child, parents/carers will be asked to give permission for their child to attend a further three sessions, where they will get to know Alfie and become comfortable with him.  Pet Therapy has been found to help children who lack confidence, those who face challenges in school and/or their personal life and those with additional needs. Alfie is a very placid dog; he will be accompanied by my husband, who has also undergone assessment for the project. A member of staff will be in the room at all times. We are delighted to be able to offer this addition to our work to support children’s mental health and wellbeing.