‘So long, farewell…’
It was hot, it was emotional but above all else, it was joyous! Together we celebrated the enormous contribution Mrs Brierley has made to the school for 30 years, as a class teacher and as a Deputy Headteacher. The whole school sat in spaced class groups around the field for a final assembly and picnic. Mrs Brierley went to each year group in turn to be serenaded by a song from The Sound of Music, or from Mama Mia. The teachers had all specially adapted the words for the occasion. Mr and Mrs Brierley were amazed by all the costumes and of course the singing, which was such a great surprise! Mrs Pope also compiled a beautiful keepsake book, containing personal pictures and messages from all the children in school. We’re going to really miss her in September, but she is leaving us with a ‘guardian angel’ to watch over us all as a lasting legacy.