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Parental Consent

During the school year there are many occasions when the school contacts you to ask for consent to take your child on a school trip or to represent the school in a sporting event. These are usually non routine occasions and we are grateful when you respond promptly and positively. However, there are times when, although we still require parental consent, events take place annually or are part of the planned curriculum and so can be covered by this one consent form. Please note: if you do not wish your child to take part in any of the categories of activity listed below, you need to contact the Headteacher by letter.


The activities covered by this automatic consent include:-


A. Field, Work & Worship in the Local Area.

The children explore their local environment as part of the curriculum e.g local shops, the Bollin Trail. These visits are always supervised. In addition pupils are expected to walk to church for occasions such as Harvest Festival, Carol Service rehearsals, Leavers Service and the Easter Service.


B. Swimming Lessons

Year 3 attend swimming lessons as part of the National P.E. Curriculum.


C. Sports and Athletic Events

Occasionally children are chosen to represent the school at events during the school day e.g five-side football, Timperley Track etc.


D. Festivals and Concerts

Occasionally children are chosen to represent the school or attend events during the school day e.g Altrincham Schools' Festival 


E. Visits to Partner Schools.

On occasions pupils are invited to attend events at our partner schools.


F. Tasting of Foods

There are times during the year when children are asked to taste and experience unfamiliar food e.g Indian cuisine, French Day etc. We would never force a child to taste but would invite them to sample. If your child has serious, specific food allergies which have been reported to the school, the class teacher will contact you to check the safety of ingredients.


Therefore, rather than ask parents to give their consent for their child to be included for all the above activities, I would ask that any parent who needs more information before taking part in any of the categories listed above contact me by letter or email. Otherwise permission will be assumed. If at any time you wish to withdraw your consent please inform the school. We will still endeavour to inform parents before events take place and the request for non-routine parental consent will remain as before.
