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Go 4th

Exciting New Developments at Go4th (held every 4th Sunday except August and December)


Go4th now comprises of 4 separate meetings all held at school


  • 4Family (Messy Church style All Age) led by Rev Ian and the team. A different theme is explored each month using games, crafts, songs and stories.


  • 4Chat (Adult discussion group in drama studio) led by Tim Gartside and Richard Abbott. A wonderful opportunity for some adult mulling over of issues relating to faith in a modern world.  Fluency in 'Christian jargon' or certainty about what you believe absolutely not required!  All are welcome.

(If 2 parents usually come to 4Family you could consider taking turns to attend 4Chat and 4Family).


  • 4Youth (New for secondary school aged pupils) - Youth Alpha Course with Krispy Kreme donuts led by Sam Wilson and Julia Dow. 


  • JAM "Jesus and Me". Aimed at key stage 2 age children.  The JAM group explore the theme of the month using fun games, crafts, songs and stories. 