School Logo

School organisation

From September 2021 there will be around 600 children in the school organised into 21 classes (3 Foundation, 6 KS1, 12 KS2). Each intake of 90 is divided into three classes. The teachers in a year group plan together and ensure that their classes follow the same stimulating curriculum during the year, incorporating knowledge and the development of learning skills. Within each class work is differentiated according to their ability where appropriate, ensuring challenge and aiming for depth of understanding for all.


All classes are connected to a computer network with tightly controlled internet and email access, using a purpose built ICT Suite and mobile laptop suites.  Y5&6 also have a suite of Chromebooks each and access to our secure drive, enabling them to access working documents from home or school.  The school advises on virtual learning opportunities for the pupils to access from home, with maths homework (Y1-6) being completed online.   All classrooms are fitted with high definition screens which are invaluable as an exciting and stimulating learning and teaching aid. 


Playtimes are staggered to allow the maximum of play space for all year groups.  Lunch is taken in the hall and the children can select their home cooked food from a variety of options (there is always a vegetarian option).  Children having a packed lunch eat alongside those having a school catered meal, as we consider eating lunch to be a social occasion.  Children may select whether to have water or milk with their lunch.

For more information about lunchtime follow the link below for school meals.

